13. green-eyed monster

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Monday, March 16, 2015

Blake's POV:
Yesterday was my first time playing since the surgery, and I was horrible. My teammates told me not to worry about it, but how can I not? We have another game tomorrow, and I just hope I play better than I did yesterday.

After practice, I went to go see Alex since she didn't leave her office today. I've been trying to get closer to her lately, but she won't really allow me to.

"Alex," I sang, sitting in the chair next to her.

"What's up?"

"You didn't watch us practice today," I pouted, pulling her in between my legs, "how come?"

She giggled a little and started to walk off, "I was too lazy to walk out there."

I hooked my index finger on her belt loop and pulled her back in between my legs, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"I wanted to ask you something," I said, putting my hands on her waist.

"What did you wanna ask?" she asked, looking down at my hands.

"We're going out for my birthday; would you like to come?"

"Today's your birthday?" she asked and I nodded. "Happy birthday."

She gave me a hug, and her boobs were all in my face, but was I complaining? Hell no. I just laid my head on her chest and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Thank you. So will you come?"

She pulled away, and I reluctantly let her go. I could've sat there like that all day to be honest.

"I would love to, but I can't."

"Why not?"

"I have a date."

Well that's not what I wanted to hear.

"A date?!" I asked louder than intended.

"Yeah," she chuckled.

She moved my hands off her waist and picked up her bag to leave. Why does the idea of her going on a date bother me so much?

"But I mean if you wanna do something this weekend, we can," she suggested, taking me by surprise.


She smiled and we said our goodbyes before I watched her walk out.


Alexandra's POV:
Malik asked me to go out with him tonight and since we haven't hung out in a while, I said yes.

About ten minutes after I got dressed, the doorbell rang. I opened the door for Malik, and he looked just as handsome as always.

"You look nice," he smiled, showing off his perfect smile, "you ready to go?"

"Thank you, and yeah, let's go."

He took me out to dinner, and it felt like old times. We reminisced on the past, and he made me laugh a lot.

"So can I ask you something?" he asked.


"What's the deal with you and Blake Griffin?"

I was not expecting Blake's name to be brought up tonight, but alright.

"What do you mean?"

"Is there something going on between y'all?"

If there was, I wouldn't be sitting here right now.

"Nah. Why do you ask?"

"I saw the way y'all interacted at the game yesterday, and I've seen how he looks at you."

Hm. How does he look at me?

"We mess around a lot, but there's nothing going on between us," I reassured him.

He smiled a smile of relief, and we continued with the conversation. At a certain point, I noticed he was looking at me the way he used to.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, even though I already knew.

"You know why," he smirked with a light chuckle.

I gave him this look, basically giving him the green light to do what he wanted.

He leaned across the table and kissed my lips, but I felt nothing. Obviously the feelings I once I had for him no longer exist.


Blake's POV:
"Happy birthday, Blake!!"

Everyone shouted "happy birthday" as the waitress brought out a "cake." I'm glad I got to spend my birthday with everyone, but I can't help but wish that Alex would've come with us.

"What's wrong with you?" India asked, "you don't look very happy considering it's your birthday."

"I'm good. I just wish Alex could've come," I shrugged.

For some reason every time I mention Alex's name, India smirks, then tries to play it off.

Before I could ask her about it, my eyes wandered to a nearby table where there was a girl that looked just like Alex. I saw her when she first walked in, but I didn't pay her any attention.

"India, doesn't that girl look like Alex?"

"That is Alex," she said.

"Who is she with?"

Damn Blake. You don't know her well enough to be asking these kinda questions.

"Thats her ex, Malik."

"Are they --"

I got distracted when I saw him lean across the table to kiss her, and it made me feel something I've never felt before -- something I shouldn't have felt. Jealousy.

"Aww! They're cute," India grinned, turning to face me.

"They're alright..."

She threw her head back and let out a hearty laugh, then smirked at me again.

"You're jealous."

"That's funny," I said, playing it off, "why would I be jealous?"

She put her fist under her chin and rested her elbow on the table, "because you wish that was you instead of Malik."

That's the thing about India. She knows everything and 99.9% of the time, she's right about everything. And unfortunately, she just so happened to be right about this.

"I really wish y'all would stop being so stubborn and just admit that y'all have feelings for each other," she said, "because y'all are starting to get on my nerves."

Without another word, she got up and left the table, leaving me to think about what she said.

Maybe, just maybe, she's right...

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