45 • playing by her rules

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two weeks later..
august 8, 2015

Blake's POV:

"You know staring at your phone isn't gonna make her reply to your messages, right?"

I looked up, and India was looking back at me with a genuinely concerned expression on her face. I haven't talked to Alex since last Saturday, but that's only because it was Ford's birthday, and he wanted to talk to her. Other than that, she ignores all of my messages and phone calls.

"She hasn't replied to a single one though," I said, throwing my phone on the counter. "Isn't that weird?"

India laughed and shook her head. "No. She said she needed a break, Blake; just leave her alone. When, and if, she's ready to talk to you, she'll talk."

I looked at her with my eyebrow raised, not liking her answer. I knew I needed to give Alex her space, but I'd never be able to tell her how I really felt if she wouldn't talk to me.

"Nah, forget that." I picked up India's phone and handed it to her so she could unlock it. "Maybe if I call her from your phone, she'll answer."

We went back & forth for a minute before she finally gave in and unlocked her phone. I called Alex, and she picked up on the second ring.

"Hey, is there anything you want me to bring tom—"

"It's not India."

It was uncomfortably quiet for a while until I heard her sigh. Honestly, I was surprised she didn't hang up on me.

"What do you want, Blake?"

"I wanna talk to you, but you're being stubborn and won't answer your phone."

She laughed lightly. "Because I don't wanna talk. I figured you would take a hint, but you're persistent."

I chuckled. "I'm a man who knows what he wants."

She sucked her teeth, and something told me she had a smile on her face.

"Whatever. Anyway, I have a feeling I know what you wanna talk about, but that's something we need to talk about in person."

"Alright, I'll just come over now."

"No," she blurted, making me sit back down. "Jaden's here, and I don't want him to get excited about you being here."

"So how are we —"

"You act like you won't see me tomorrow at India's party. Stop being dumb. I gotta go."

She hung up, and I laughed to myself while giving India her phone back. This reminds me of when we first met and "hated" each other.

"What'd she say?" India asked curiously.

"She said we needed to talk in person, so I guess we'll do that tomorrow."


the next day..

India's party had been going on for about an hour and a half, and Alex still hadn't showed up. I was almost sure she wasn't coming, but then she & Jaden walked into the backyard. Jaden ran straight to where DJ, Ford & I were sitting, but India dragged Alex to meet her cousin, Darius.

Everyone knew Darius was kind of a "ladies man." No woman could ever resist him, which is why I didn't understand why India would introduce him to Alex.

"Blake?" Jaden turned around with his eyebrows furrowed. "Who is that man Mommy's talking to?"

"That's India's cousin," I said, trying not to show my aggravation.

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