55 • aubrianna's advice

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Alexandra's POV:

For the last three weeks, Blake has been ignoring me. I called & texted him multiple times, but he hadn't responded to anything. I racked my brain trying to figure out what I did wrong for him to shut me out, but I couldn't think of anything. Even though I knew he wouldn't respond, I texted him and apologized for whatever I did wrong, then threw my phone on the counter.

Luckily, my family was in town for a couple of days, and I knew I wouldn't stay too upset with them around.

"AJ," my sister sang when she walked into the kitchen. She sat on the stool next to me and gave me a worried look. "What's wrong, boo? Why do you look so upset?"

I looked up at her with watery eyes. "Blake's been ignoring me for the past three weeks, and I don't even know why. You don't think he..."

She knitted her eyebrows together and shook her head, already knowing what I'd say. "You know he loves you too much to cheat on you." She paused for a second, then looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "You do know he loves you, right?"

Of course I knew Blake loved me; he told me all the time. The only problem I had was saying it back to him.

"Yeah, I know."

She looked at me skeptically and nodded. "Have you told him you love him?"

I bit the corner of my lip and shook my head, causing her to sigh. Everyone that knew me knew I sucked at expressing my feelings, and I already knew AB was about to give me an earful about it.

"You can't keep doing this, Alex."

"Doing what?"

"Don't play with me," she said a little more on the serious side. "When someone tells you that they love you, you're usually supposed to say it back. He probably thinks you don't love him."

"But I do!"

She smiled and patted the top of my hand. "I know you do, but you need to tell him that."

How was I supposed to tell Blake anything if he won't talk to me? He wouldn't even look my way during practice or on game days. It's like he broke up with me without telling me.

"But right now," AB continued, "you need to get ready. AZ & Jaden are taking Mama out for her birthday, and Daddy wants to take you to lunch while they're out."

"What about you?" I asked, standing up from the stool.

"I'm gonna relax in your beautiful house and enjoy some alone time."

I giggled a little as she let out a sigh of content, then went upstairs to get ready for lunch with my dad.


Blake's POV:

I glanced at my phone when it chimed but when I saw an unknown number, I ignored it. My phone chimed again with another text from the same number and this time, I decided to check it.

From: (843)-***-****
Can you come by Alex's house?

From: (843)-***-****
This is Aubrianna btw.

Even though I was hesitant, I texted her back and told her I would come. I'm sure by now Aubrianna knew I wasn't talking to her sister, and I'm sure she hated me for it.

I slipped my phone in my pocket, then went to Alex's house. When I got there, I knocked on the door, and Aubrianna answered almost immediately.


She put her hand up so I'd shut up, and I did. She let me into the house, and I followed her to the kitchen.

"So, what's up?" It was painfully quiet, and I just wanted to break the silence because it was making me uncomfortable — especially since she was glaring at me.

"I like you, Blake. You make my sister happy and when she's happy, I'm happy. But right now, I don't like you because she told me that you've been ignoring her for three damn weeks. Why? Are you cheating on her?"

"No," I said almost too defensively. I didn't wanna talk to Aubrianna about this but since she was Alex's sister, she'd probably be able to help me understand Alex more than anyone. "I'm not cheating on your sister. I just needed some space."

"Space for what? Are you thinking about breaking up with her?"

"No," I sighed. "I just needed time to think about us & our relationship. I feel like we're moving too fast. We've only been together for a couple months, and we're already talking about marriage & babies. And on top of all that, whenever I tell her I love her, she doesn't say it back."

I finally looked up, and Aubrianna was just looking back at me with a blank expression on her face until a small smile crept up on her face.

"Blake, there's no timetable for these things. You can't help how fast you fall in love," she said. "As for her not telling you she loves you, you have to give her time. She's pretty messed up, and she doesn't really believe in love."

I furrowed my eyebrows and hesitated for a second before saying anything. "What do you mean she's 'messed up?'"

"Did she ever tell you why our parents got divorced?" I shook my head, wondering what this had to do with anything. "Well, our mom cheated on our dad."

I was speechless. I never would've thought cheating was the reason behind her parents' divorce. This probably explained why she acted the way she did towards her mom.

"We found out two years ago, and Alex took it really hard because she always said she wanted a marriage just like our parents'," Aubrianna said. "After Michael did what he did and after the divorce, she pretty much gave up on love, and you shutting her out like this isn't helping her. Believe it or not, she loves you, Blake; you just have to be patient with her."

After Aubrianna explained everything to me, I felt bad for ignoring Alex. I never knew she didn't believe in love, but of course I couldn't have known that since I haven't been talking to her.

"Do you know where she is?" I asked.

"She's out with our dad now, and I'm not sure when they'll be back," Aubrianna answered. "You should just call her tomorrow so you can think about what you're gonna say when you see her."

I nodded, then thanked her for talking to me before I went back home.

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