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I was going through the notifications I had, I had like over 1000 y'all's crazy XD. but. that's not why I am making this. a certain comment stuck out to me and what I read. Too me. It looks like they were promoting eating disorders.

first of all. not on my stuff. I love my babies okay? I do not need any negativity on this account or comment section. This is a safe place for anyone needed and I don't need bullshit like that here.

2. IF you are gonna talk about something that is a common trigger. PUT Trigger warnings.

3. AND ARE YOU SERIOUS PROMOTING EATING DISORDERS DO I NEED TO FUCKIN BEAT YOU. you all are perfect the way you are but don't promote that shit. It's harmful.

anyways thank you for reading this, I love you guysss ❤️❤️❤️💜💚💚❤️💚💛💛💜🧡🧡

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