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2 months had passed, Yoongi was still a maid and assistant for Namjoon and there was only 3 more days before Namjoon and Karen's wedding.

Yoongi was feeling horrible, he thought that Namjoon would remember him by now. But sadly Namjoon didn't remember. He was upset at karen for a certain reason because after about a month of karen begging to have sec with Namjoon. Namjoon finally gave in.
Yoongi hated karen even more because of that.

Namjoon was tired from the night before, karen wanted to have some fun once again and he went with it. He didn't like the sex with her, she found her moans too.. annoying. He sighed softly and went into the shower to clean himself.

He didn't want to admit it but he had no feelings for karen at all. He tried to get feelings for her but he felt nothing towards her at all. He couldn't even get a hard on looking at her body, he had to imagine in order to actually keep his hard on. If he got one that is.

Namjoons scrubbed his body while humming softly to himself, he didn't want to go through with the wedding  but he felt like it was unfair to Karen because they 'agreed' to get married before Namjoon went into the coma.  He sighed as he finished his shower and got out going to dry off and get dressed.

Yoongi was downstairs making some lunch for himself and Namjoon since karen left for a couple of days to have a few girl days/nights. Yoongi was very thankful but he was still a bit sad, he decided that if  Namjoon doesn't remember him by the wedding he would quit  and move back to jins house until he had enough money saved up so he could buy an apartment for him and jun.

Namjoon came downstairs and made his way to the kitchen smelling food, his stomach growling a bit. He sat down and looked at Yoongi with a small smile on his face, he did find the younger extremely cute and he did enjoy the fact that he lived with the boy.
"Mhm the food smells great" Namjoon said when he noticed Yoongi looking over at him.

Yoongi jumped a bit and his cheeks heated up,
"O-oh I'm glad you like the smell, but maybe it will taste better?" he giggled softly before dishing up some of the food placing it infront of Namjoon with a pair of chopsticks.

Namjoon smiled softly and took the chopsticks picking up a piece of food and placing it in his mouth, he smiled at the delicious flavour  that hit his tongue.

Yoongi looked at him biting his lip a bit hoping he liked the food he had made for him,
"D-do you like it?"  He asked hopefully.

Namjoon looked back up at him and chuckled,
"This is delicious, just like all the other meals that you have made" he smiled.

Yoongi giggled happily and dished up some for himself before he sat down beside Namjoon, he ate quietly looking at his plate.

Namjoon on the other hand, was trying to figure out why he felt his heart begging to hear yoongi's adorable giggle again.

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