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My kitten ^^

Yoongi woke up a couple of hours later, it was only around 5 in the afternoon. He sighed and sat up in the bed looking around, Jin wasn't in the room and he figured that Jin would probably be making dinner right now judging from what he could smell.

He groaned and got up a pout on his lips, he missed Namjoon a lot. He slowly made his way down to the others, he looked at jin,Jungkook and jun.

Jun smiled and rushed to Yoongi hugging him,
"Yoonie! How are you feeling? What happened?" Jin asked clinging to Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled softly looking at jun hugging him back,
"Don't worry about it" he says softly before he ruffled his hair "and I am doing okay I guess. I don't know " he said. He moved to where jin was after he kissed juns forehead.

Jin looked at him and opened his arms  for him, he watched Yoongi walk to him  and he hugged him close to his chest rubbing his back.

"Thanks for letting me stay.. I'll try and help out a bit until I go back to Namjoon.." he whispers burying his face into Jin's chest.

Jin held the boy close and rocked him a bit,
"You miss him don't you?" Jin whispered.

"I miss him so much!" Yoongi sobs out of nowhere starting to cry again. He felt Jin's soft caresses on his back and he gripped onto his shirt his tears wetting the front.

"It's gonna be okay Yoongi" he says softly rubbing his back more. He knew that Yoongi was hurting and he just wanted to be there for the boy, he kissed the boys forehead.

Yoongi kept crying and clinging to jin. He  was starting to slip into his headspace and he whimpered slightly hugging onto the older male.

Jin noticed how Yoongi was acting and he looked at him and wiped his tears,
"If you want you can be little. I don't mind" Jin whispers.

Yoongi sniffed and immediately fell deep into his headspace, he sniffed again and hugged him tightly still softly crying. He felt himself get picked up and he wrapped his legs around Jin's waist.

Jin moved him onto the counter and he pulled away a bit making the younger whine softly and rub his eyes that were red and puffy from crying.

"Yoonie I need to finish making dinner and then we can get you fed and we can watch some movies and do whatever you want" jin said trying to make the younger happy.

Yoongi looked at him pouting before nodding his head slowly agreeing to the idea, he was usually silent when he was deep in his headspace and he just wanted Namjoon at the moment.

Jin soon finished making the dinner and he slowly fed Yoongi food until he was full, he noticed that Yoongi was yawning afterwards and he chuckled.

"I know it's not late but it's bed time for you, your tiring yourself out a lot so it's bed time" jin said taking him to  his room.

Yoongi looked up at him as he was placed onto Jin's bed  and sleepily pouted before snuggling into the blankets.
"Fank yew.." Yoongi whispered before he fell  into a deep slumber.

I'm an idiot and I forgot to update but here's a shitty update. I hope you enjoyed it.

PS. My friend just peirced my ear again so  if you don't hear from me in  like a week. My mom killed me and buried me in my backyard.

Jk jk.  But yeah if you don't hear from me in a week my mom has taken my phone or something.

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