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How the fuck can you people deal with my inconsistent updates?!

A cringy smut ⚠️

The two spent the night cuddling and fast asleep, Namjoon woke up first around 9 am. He looked down at Yoongi cuddling into his chest and he smiled a bit, He moved the hair out of yoongi's face and looked at him.

To Namjoon, Yoongi was the most beautiful boy in the world. He knew he was catching feelings and he shouldn't. He sighed softly and held the sleeping boy close running his hand over the naked boys body, he smirked a bit as Yoongi moved closer to him.

Namjoon chuckled and moved the boy onto his tummy raising his hips up, he smirked and spread the boys  ass apart. He ran his finger over yoongi's pink hole and  then leaned his head down slowly dragging his tongue against it. 

Namjoon  just laughed softly hearing a sleepy moan come from Yoongi,  he smirked and slowly pushed his tongue in twisting it around. He felt Yoongi push back a bit and he pulled him closer noticing he was waking up.

Yoongi was slowly waking up, he moaned drowsily and sleepily grinded  against his tongue.

Namjoon smirked and pushed his tongue deeper inside him moving it a little before pulling it out and licking the tip of the sleepy boys semi-hard cock.

Yoongi groaned sleepily and bucked his hips up  with his eyes closing again,
"W-what are you doing.." Yoongi mumbles obviously still half asleep.

Namjoon smirked a bit,
"Waking you up" he says starting to bob his head on the boys small cock.

Yoongi moaned and gasped his hand finding its way to Namjoon hair, he was still sensitive from the night before.

Namjoon continued to bob his head sucking the boys cock skillfully, he listened to the sleepy submissive  precious moans  and kept pleasuring him until he felt Yoongi cum into his mouth. He swallowed his cum chuckling
"You awake now?" Namjoon teases sitting up.

Yoongi nodded his head and giggled looking at him,
"Best way I've been woken up" he says.

Namjoon pulled Yoongi towards him and kissed his lips holding his waist,
"So pretty" Namjoon whispers and then smirked.

Yoongi giggles softly and looked at him,
"You seem to be touching me a lot now" he says. His bottom  lip slowly moved between his teeth and he smirked,
"Can you not get enough of me?" Yoongi asked teasingly as he  wrapped his arms around his neck.

Namjoon chuckled and looked into his eyes,
"It's kinda hard to keep my hands off of you when you are so beautiful" he whispers  moving his hands to the boys ass and giving it a squeeze.

Yoongi whimpered a bit and blushed a light shade a pink making the older chuckled,
"Let's get dressed" Namjoon announced setting the flushed boy on the bed before getting up.

Yoongi looked at him,
"Alright" he says and got up before immediately whimpering and falling back onto the bed again.

"Did I really go too hard on you?" Namjoon chuckled

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