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Yoongi was confused on why the girl was at namjoons house but he soon got his awnser. He felt a strong pain in his chest as he heard what the girl said. He couldn't believe it. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. Namjoon was getting married.. and he waited all this time because he thought that everything would be back to normal.

Namjoon looked at the girl and nodded his head softly before looking at Yoongi,
"And you are?.." he asked softly trying not to hurt his throat.

Yoongi looked up at him meeting his eyes before he looked back down holding in a sob,
"I'm your personal assistant and maid" he said  biting on his lip hard trying not to cry. 

Namjoon nodded his head and looked down at the girl who was cuddling into him, he had to admit she was kinda pretty.. but not his type.
He groaned softly and rubbed his head,
"Looks like we got to get to know each other more since I can't remember a lot.." he says softly looking at the girl.

~A couple of days later~

Namjoon went through various tests and check ups to see if he was able to get out of the hospital, all through that time Yoongi stayed there while his fiancé who he found out was named Karen (fuck you karen your ruining my baby's life😭) left for a bit and came back for like an hour or two.

Yoongi spent most of his time just colouring in the colouring book, as jin and the other boys  came and visited with  Namjoon trying to get them to remember them. It hurt him a lot.. because Namjoon remembered everyone after a little while.. except for him.

Yoongi kept off to himself and stayed quiet most of the time the boys were there, he talked to him a bit. Yoongi was feeling to sad to actually have a full conversation.

Jun noticed this and hugged Yoongi tightly, Yoongi hugged him back tightly and he started to cry silently. His tears wet Juns shirt a bit and he just kept crying trying not to make any sound.

After about 5 minutes Yoongi pulled away and wiped at his eyes glancing at jun, he looked past jun and noticed all of them  never noticed he cried.

"You planning to come back soon?" Jun asked and sat on the chair beside Yoongi rubbing his back.

Yoongi nodded softly and looked at him smiling a bit, "Yeah. Soon" he says.

After a couple of hours Namjoon was released from the hospital and Yoongi went with Namjoon back too namjoons house. It was an awkward silence during the car ride as they were driven.

Namjoon looked at Yoongi and studied him,
"You seem so familiar.. I just don't remember you" Namjoon mumbled making Yoongi look up at him.

Yoongi looked into his eyes before looking away finding the seat interesting to look at,
"Mhm.. maybe you will remember me soon" he whispered.

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