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Yoongi bit his lip trying to decide wether or not to tell him. He was afraid to be disowned by one of his customers.
"U-uh well w-we.." Yoongi starts. Namjoon placed his hand yoongi's shoulder,
"It's okay. You can tell me" namjoon says and smiled softly.
Yoongi bit his lip and looked at Jun Ki,
"W-we were kicked out because we came out to our family as gay" he whispers and looked down. He expected the worst, like one of the various insults they have been called multiple times or being slapped and told to get lost.
His eyes widened a bit when he heard Namjoon's chuckle.
"Well that's no reason to be kicked out" namjoons says "and lucky me" he smirked.
"I'm bisexual but I honestly do prefer guys over girls" Namjoon smiled innocently.

Yoongi smiled along with Jun Ki,
"Cool!" Yoongi giggles and  blushed a bit.
Jun Ki smiled and cuddled into Yoongi side before huffing.
"Yoonie~" Jun Ki whines softly,
"I'm tired can we go home.." he added before closing his eyes.
Yoongi kisses Jun Ki's head and chuckled
"Of course" he says.

Namjoon looked at them.
"It's really late out.. if you guys want you can spend the night here" namjoon offers, Jun Ki gasped.
"LIKE A SLEEPOVER!" He squeals and looked at Yoongi.
"Please Please Please Please Please can we!!" He exclaims and looked at Yoongi with puppy dog eyes. Yoongi groaned and huffed.
"Fine" yoongi says making his younger brother squeal and hug him tightly. Yoongi smiled and hugged him back before looking at Namjoon.
"Are you sure?" He asks just wanting to be positive,
Namjoon smiled.
"Of course I'm sure" he says and stood up.
"Come on I'll give you to a pair of clothes to change into" he adds and walked off motioning for them to follow him.
They both followed him looking around before out of the corner of his eye he saw Jun Ki poke Namjoons butt. Yoongi's eyes widened when he  saw that and Namjoon turned around smirking.
"Who did that?" Namjoon asks,
Jun Ki looked at Yoongi and pointed to him.
"Yoonie did! He touched your butt!" He huffs,
Yoongis face turned bright red and everything that came out of him was a stutter.
"W-what! N-no I ne-never!" He exclaims and looked at Namjoon,
Namjoon smirked and leaned his head towards yoongi's ear.
"Be a good boy" he whispers in a low voice before squeezing yoongi's ass.
Yoongi squeaked and his face stayed red Namjoon pulled away before continuing his walk. Jun Ki giggled and stuck his tongue out at Yoongi before winking. Yoongi rolled his eyes a bit, Namjoon smirked realizing that Yoongi would be very submissive. Yoongi was thinking about how hot namjoons voice sounded, he bit his lip and thought about namjoons hands grabbing his ass again. He liked the feeling a lot but he wouldn't admit it.
Namjoon stopped at a door laughing when he felt someone walk into their back.
Yoongi groaned when he walked into namjoons back making him sprawled out on the floor.
"Well hello there" namjoons says looking down at Yoongi

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