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Namjoon looked at the two boys talking a bit and listened to there conversation. He bit his lip a bit
"Hey. You two. " he says as The two boys started to walk away. Namjoon watched them turn around
"Your brothers right?" He asks.

Yoongi slowly nodded his head looking at the man.
"Yeah we are" he says
Namjoon nodded his head,
"I'll let you have some of my food if you give me something in return"

Jun Ki's eyes widened and he smiled looking at Yoongi. Yoongi bit his lip
"Okay" he says and took Jun Ki back to the door.
Namjoon let them inside
"By the way. My name is Namjoon, Kim namjoon" he says watching the two boys walk into his house.
Yoongi smiled at him
"My name is Min Yoongi and this is- "I'm Jun Ki nice to meet yah!" Jun Ki smiled and took off his shoes wanting to be respectful.
Yoongi chuckled and smiled
"Yeah what he said " Yoongi says before taking off his own shoes.

Namjoon smiled
"Nice you meet you two. Please follow me" he says and took them to the living room.
They both followed Namjoon and sat down on the couches. Namjoon set the food down
"Eat as much as you want there's enough for everyone" he says.
Yoongi and Jun Ki smiled and Yoongi turned to Jun Ki,
"Don't eat too fast okay?" He says and kissed Jun Ki's forehead before starting to eat slowly hoping to fill himself up a bit more and to savour the food.

Namjoon started to eat while looking at the two brothers. His eyes never left left yoongi's figure. He was studying yoongi's features.

Yoongi peeked up at Namjoon his face flushing bright red when he saw Namjoon watching him. He went back to eating quietly shifting a bit in his seat. He felt so intimidated.

Namjoon smirked a bit.
"Let me know when you guys are done eating" he says and smiled.
They nodded their heads
"Mkay" Yoongi says.

"How old are you two? You both seem really young" Namjoon says and looked at them.
Yoongi looked up at Namjoon
"Oh I'm 17 and my brother is 13" Yoongi says.

"Alright I'm 24" Namjoon starts
"Why are you two working so late? Shouldn't your parents be the one's working?" He adds.
Yoongi and Jun Ki both freeze at the mention of their parents. Jung Ki stayed looking down with a frown on his face.

"Us and our parents aren't in good terms... we were kicked out from there lives" Yoongi explains not looking up at him.
Namjoon listened closely and nodded his head.
"Alright. Um if I'm allowed to know. Why were you kicked out?" He asks softly

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