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Enjoy a conversation I had with my friend^^ and I am sorry for this chapter.

Namjoon took Yoongi back to his house and smiled softly looking him, he smiled as happy that he finally got Yoongi back. He reached over and held his hand chuckling as Yoongi looked over at him.

Yoongi giggled softly and held his hand close snuggling into his arm, he was happy that Namjoon was here. He looked up at him with his innocent eyes and tilted his head cutely.

Namjoon tried to focus on driving but he couldn't help but glance and Yoongi a lot. He found the younger so adorable, he reached over and pinched yoongi's cheek.  He saw Yoongi blush before  he screamed, Namjoon turned his head just in time to see a truck pull out before everything went black.

Yoongi was crying as he was led into an ambulance screaming for Namjoon. He had suffered the least in the crash leaving him with a broken arm,  a few fractured ribs, lots of cuts, and lots of bruises.

Yoongi screamed and sobbed harder as they pulled Namjoons unconscious body out of the crashed car. He couldn't even tell it was Namjoon because of all the blood he saw. He cried more and more and he was driven away from the scene, he moved around a lot not letting the paramedics help him. He pushed the paramedic away when they tried to put an iv in his not broken arm.

"N-no I wan Joonie!" He cried and pushed the paramedics away once again as they tried to insert a iv into his arm. The one paramedic tried to comfort him by holding his hand.

"Hey hey. Sweetie it's going to be okay. Joonie will be okay" she said and looked at the boy.

Yoongi looked towards the paramedic and sniffed still crying. His bottom lip trembled slightly and he whimpered softly.
"P-pwomise..?" He whispered and whimpered once again as an iv was placed into Yoongis arm.

"Yes, sweetie.. i promise" she says before they arrived at the hospital.

Yoongi watched as he was pushed into the hospital on the bed thing (low key don't know what it is called)  he looked around for Namjoon  gasping and calling out for him when he saw Namjoon being pushed to a different part of the hospital. He cried out and  tried to get out of the rolling bed.

The paramedics held him down trying not to hurt him more. Yoongi cried more as he was put into a room  and the paramedics left. His cries soon turned into pained whimpers because of his ribs and his arm. He sniffed and looked around the room  before a doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm doctor wang but you can call me Jackson and you are?" The doctor asked walking up to Yoongi and sitting down.

"Y-Yoongi.." he sniffed softly and looked at the doctor before looking away. He wanted Namjoon, not a doctor.

"Mhm well let's get you fixed up" Jackson said  before gently touching Yoongi broken arm.

Yoongi started to cry again.

Oops. You can hate me. Sorry

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