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Yoongi looked up at him and whined loudly hugging out a 'no'

Namjoon looked at him  and groaned softly,
"Please just sit back on the counter" Namjoon said picking him up and setting him on the counter again.

Yoongi whined more and wiggles around trying to get out of his grip  before he was set down on the counter. He once again tried to get off the counter and cling to Namjoon.
"Me stay here!" Yoongi huffed childishly glaring up at Namjoon.

Namjoon looked down at him and sighed,
"Fine"he says before trying to cook the food again. He had some difficulty because he had Yoongi clinging to him.

Yoongi was off in his own little world, his arms and legs were wrapped securely around Namjoon and he was looking around with his tongue poking out of his mouth.

Namjoon glanced down at him a bit and chuckled at him, he had to admit that  Yoongi looked really cute.

Yoongi giggled at Namjoon a bit and tilted his head before slipping down onto the floor, he laid down on the floor but still had his legs around Namjoons legs.

Namjoon groaned a bit and looked down at him again, he knew one false move and he would either hurt himself or hurt Yoongi.
"Baby breakfast is almost ready, can you go to the table?" Namjoon asked softly. He had no idea if he was doing this correctly but he was having fun so far. Well except the brattiness, that wasn't fun.

Yoongi huffed and slowly got up whining a bit because of his butt, he waddled to the table and sat down.

Namjoon smiled thankfully and turned around,
"Thank you Yoongi" he said and started to dish up the plate. He took exactly 2 minutes and 23 seconds, he turned around and his eyes widened seeming yoongi's clothes on the floor and Yoongi  sitting in a chair naked.

"I said go sit down.. not take off your clothes"  Namjoon groaned setting the plates down before glancing at the naked boy.

Yoongi giggled and grabbed some food with  his hands starting to eat while looking at Namjoon.

Namjoon stares at him and sighed before he grabbed the clothes and set them on the counter  before he started to eat his own food. After they finished eating he hand to wash yoongi's hand before he had to try and get yoongi's clothes on. As much as he liked seeing the younger naked, it felt wrong to him right now because Yoongi was in a different mindset.

15 minutes passed and Namjoon was still chasing Yoongi around the house trying to get him to put on the clothes he had in his hand.
"Please Yoongi! Put on your clothes" Namjoon groaned getting tired of the running around. He managed to catch Yoongi,
"Put your clothes on Yoongi" Namjoon said sternly.

Yoongi whined and wiggles around trying to push his way past Namjoon and out of his grip,
"N-no! I Don wan to!" He whines and kept fighting. After a minute Yoongi stopped his actions and his face turned bright red as he looked up at Namjoon.

"S-sir why I am naked? I thought I put on clothes" he says shyly and clearly out of the headspace.

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