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Namjoon and Yoongi ate their food in a comfortable yet uncomfortable silence, when they finished they set the plates off the side for the waiter to come pick them up.

Yoongi looked at namjoon,
"So uh, I guess we should probably do everything and get ready for the wedding" he said softly his eyes trailing back to the table.

Namjoon nodded his head and stood up stretching a bit before pulling out his wallet
"Yeah we probably should" he said waiting for Yoongi to get up.

Yoongi got up giving himself a little stretch too before he followed Namjoon to the front area where you need to pay. He watched Namjoon pay before he followed him out to the car.

Namjoon decided to be nice and opened the door for yoongi once they got to the car, he noticed a sad looking smile appear on Yoongi's face

"Thank you" Yoongi said moving to sit down in the passenger seat, he pulled the seatbelt across his chest clicking it in place

Namjoon nodded his head "your welcome" he replied before getting into his own seat. He started the car and started to drive.

The next 3 hours were spent on dressing Namjoon and his groomsmen (is that the word) all up in suits, Talking and chatting.
You could tell that there aura was different though, it felt awkward and sad.

Namjoon looked at himself in the mirror admitting that he looks pretty sexy in a suit. He glanced at Yoongi through the mirror and noticed he looked a little pale, just as he was about to say something Yoongi jumped up and ran out of the room.

Yoongi was feeling nauseous, he sat there for a few minutes trying to control the urge not to vomit. It slowly faded away before it came back again. He jumped up and ran out of the room into the bathroom, he started to vomit.

Namjoon got confused when Yoongi never came back, the wedding was starting and he didn't see Yoongi anywhere. He was  placed in front  of everyone and the music started to play.

He noticed Yoongi slip inside of The chapel (idk what that is it just sounds like a fancy word) he smiled when he showed up. He watched Karen walk down the isle and he noticed how when she walked closer and closer get felt sadder.

Yoongi watched from the back feeling tears form in his eyes, 'this is the end, he is marrying her. I can't do anything about that. My heart hurts..' he watched as Karen finally got to the front and the two faced each other.

The officiant (I think that's the dude?) rose up and stood in front of both of them, he cleared his throat and started to say the opening words

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Kim Namjoon  and fuckface Karen in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace"

Yoongi opened his mouth wanting to to speak. He wanted to speak so badly but he didn't want Namjoon to marry her. He forced his mouth to shut and more tears felt down his face, he was glad that he was hidden.

(I don't know how weddings work forgive meh)
The officiant nodded his head and turned too Karen "repeat after me; I, Karen, take you Kim Namjoon , to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part"

Karen repeated what the officiant said and then looked at Namjoon smiling.

Yoongi snuck out of the building as he was starting to cry harder, he ran off outside too a bench by a small pond.

Namjoon glanced over and noticed that Yoongi was leaving the building, he got confused before he was told to repeat after the officiant. Namjoon looked straight at Karen
"I.. I Kim Namjoon,

"I can't do this"

Well it's been a while, I tried to write a chapter I hope you all enjoy. How is all of your quarantines going?

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