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Yoongi got to his first job and started to work. He sighed as he sat at the counter watching people come in and out of the store. He smiled a bit at an elderly lady that walked up to the counter.
"Hello ma'am" he smiled "is that all for today?" He asked.
The women smiled
"Yes that is it for today" she says and pulled out money to pay.
Yoongi took the money and put it in he Chas register before bagging her items and giving them to her.
He bowed a bit,
"Have a good day ma'am" he says and watched her walk out. He always tried to act nice to the customers hoping they would come back more.

It was one pm when his shift was over. He sighed and waited for the next person to take over the job before walking to his next job. He was happy that he didn't have to just sit there with this job. He arrived at his second Job and smiled seeing the red scooter there. He loved this job because he got to ride the scooter. He walked into the restaurant and smiled at his boss

"Hey boss!" He says and grabbed the helmet putting it on his head.
"Hey Yoongi. The orders all right there" his boss says pointing to the orders.
Yoongi nodded his head and grabbed them bringing them the scooter. That is was he did for the next hours. He drove around the city delivering people foods, when four o'clock hit he drove to Jun Ki's school.

Jun Ki ran to Yoongi and smiled
"Hi!" He says and smiled happily. Jun Ki loved the ends of school because he got to help his brother. Yoongi took off the helmet and put it on his younger brothers head.
"Come one lets get going we have quiet a bit to go" Yoongi says.
Jun Ki hopped on the back of the scooter and held onto Yoongi tightly before Yoongi started to drive.
The next few hours Jun Ki ran the food up to the people's houses and collected the money before rushing back to Yoongi.


It was starting to get dark out and now instead of Jun Ki walking up to the doors it was both of them. They were on their last order. Yoongi knocked on the door and he saw a handsome man awnser the door.
"Hello sir your food is here!" Jun Ki says and smiles.

Namjoon smiles at them and chuckled
"Thank you" Namjoon says and looked at them.
The boy with mint green hair really caught his eye.

"Your total with be... uh 21 dollars and 15 cents" Yoongi says looking at the man. He blushed a bit noticing the way he was staring at him.

Namjoon nodded his head and handed the boy the money.
"Here ya go" he says and opened his food to see if everything was there.

As soon as the food opened Jun Ki's stomach growled loudly. Jun Ki's face grew red and his bit his lip
"Ah hah I'm sorry" he bows at Namjoon.
Yoongi watched Jun Ki and sighed
"I'll get you some food jun" he says
"Thank you hyungie!" Jun Ki giggles before Yoongi turned to Namjoon.
"Have a good night sir" he says and started to walk away.

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