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I feel like shit today but I had to rant a bit.. I'm sorry.
Just skip if you don't want to hear some bullshit.

Today I'm going home to my moms house, I absolutely hate it there since for the past few months my mom and me have been Fighting a lot. And I mean a lot.
My mom and dad are going to be fighting for custody for me again and I've just been so stressed out. In a week and a half I'm going to go back to a fucked up school who students are homophobic pieces of fucking trash. I am not looking forwards to it because for one.
I am l(g)b(t)q
People bully me for being apart of it.
I lost half of my friend this summer because one friend decided to do something and hurt my other friend. My other friend moved away.. I only have two friend left at that place and me and one of them are drifting apart.
My sleep schedule is fucked up. I've been staying up till like 8 am in the morning then sleeping till 1 or 2 in the after noon,
Funny thing is. When I do that. I get yelled at, when my sister does that. She doesn't. 

My sister thinks it's okay to call me lazy and say I don't do anything in the house. When In fact me and my brother do almost everything because
'We gonna know how to grow up'
'We gotta know how it's like in the real world'
'We gotta get used to doing what we're told'

And somthing that pisses me off is that my sister thinks she can get away without having to do any chores. He only does them when me or my brother complain, then she will do the chores while yelling at up that we're lazy and useless. Etc.

⚠️ Well haha.. I guess this is the end of my rant? If you listened I'm glad you did and I will try to update soon. I am very thankful for all of you who are being patient with me.

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