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I forgot about you people. I'm sorry..Everything is just chaotic. It's been I don't know how long. Um like 2 months since I last posted? I checked my phone and I saw a comment from someone and I got reminded that I have a story I need to finish.

I'll try and upload new chapters soon. But things just need to calm down at home before I can do anything. I can't write right now because I'm at the point where I'm too stressed and ready to give up with everything. I try and think and my mind just becomes numb. For those who have been so patient I'm so thankful your still here.

I'll try and get a chapter posted soon. I promise. And this time I mean it. Thank you. I love you guys❤️❤️

I'm trying to publish it and it's not working.. is there a specific number of words we need now?

Oh wow I'm dumb. I forgot to title it

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