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~3 months later~

After three months of Yoongi not seeing Namjoon he was a complete mess. He missed him so much that he made jin go over to Namjoons house a couple of times so that the smell would absorb into his clothes, and then he would wear them quietly crying to himself.

Each time jin went over to namjoons house Namjoon would ask where Yoongi was or if jin heard from Yoongi. Jin wander so bad to just blurt out that Yoongi was at his house but he promise Yoongi he wouldn't tell.

Jin honestly was getting a bit tired because Yoongi was little a lot and that drained his energy quickly. He loved having Yoongi there but sometimes it was a bit too much. He hated it when the younger cried, it would take almost an hour for all the sniffles to stop.

Yoongi felt like a huge burden and every time he was big he helped around the house and did everything he could to repay jin.

Yoongi walked to the bathroom looking at the dark circles underneath his eyes, he knew that jin had dark circles too. He pouted softly and did his business before he washed his hands and walked out to jin again.

"You should go nap" Yoongi says to jin trying to smile a bit, he wanted to let jin rest.
"I can deal with the cleaning after all it's the least I can do since I've been living here for a couple months now" he explained.

Jin looked at him and placed his hand on his shoulder, he was happy to accept but he just had a few worries. He didn't want Yoongi crying or to slip into his headspace while he was asleep. He though about it before sighing,
"Your going to be fine right?" Jin asked first.

Yoongi smiled at him and nodded his head
"Yes I'll be fine jin. You need the rest anyways, I always end up keeping you awake because I cry or something. So you need to rest" Yoongi said starting to push jin up the stairs.

Jin chuckled and smiled at him slightly,
"Thank you, try and get everything done and it's okay if you don't but yeah. I'll nap for about an hour" jin said before walking up to his room and laying down. Almost immediately jin was passed out on the bed.

Yoongi smiled and started with the chores, he was really hoping that jin didn't set an alarm so he could let jin sleep. He knew jin needed it. The boy muffled a yawn with his hand and continued to clean.

Yoongi glanced at the calendar and smiled a bit when he saw that his birthday was in a couple of days, he never really celebrated his birthday before because he found Jun's more important instead of his. He sighed softly and glanced at the time realizing the two boys would be home from school soon. He continued to clean his mind slowly drifting to Namjoon and how he was doing.

Namjoon wasn't good, not even a little bit.

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