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He's so freaking adorable like uwu.

Yoongi smiled a bit
"Thank You Namjoon" he says and looked at the contract again.
Namjoon have a brief nod of his head
"I would like an answer by sometime tomorrow night okay?" Namjoon says before standing up.
Yoongi nodded his head,
"O-Okay.." he says and read the contract again.
Namjoon studied him noticing that the boy was tensed and squeezing his thighs together.
"Would you like to go to your work and think about it during your work?" Namjoon suggests moving to him and putting a finger under the boys chin making him look at him. Yoongi bit his lip and shyly nodded his head at namjoons suggestion,
"Very well" Namjoon says before pulling the boy close.
"I really hope you agree to this, I can make you feel so good" he whispers in his ear before nibbling on it a bit. Yoongi let out a small squeak, Namjoon chuckled and kissed his cheek before moving away.
"That scooter you had here was put in the garage. Take it and get to your work. Oh and here's you money for giving me the best blowjob I've ever had" Namjoon says reaching into his pocket pulling out his wallet. Namjoon pulled out 450,000 Korean won (about 500 dollars)
"Take it and be a good boy" Namjoon says. Yoongi smiled and hugged Namjoon and took it,
"Thank you" he says before standing on his tippy toes to press a shy kiss to namjoons cheek.
"B-bye bye!" Yoongi says Holding the contract tightly,
"I-I'll try to have an awnser by the end of tomorrow!" He adds and went to the garage getting the scooter. He made sure he had the money and contract in his wallet not wanting to loose them. Yoongi then got onto the scooter and put the helmet on going to work, it took him about 20 minutes into his work realizing he was still wearing Namjoons clothes

3pm came by and Yoongi was seated outside Juns school waiting for him,
He saw jun and smiled a bit watching him walk out with another boy.
Yoongi smirked a bit and waited until jun noticed him, jun smiled and ran to him hugging him tightly.
"Hi hyung" jun giggles and smiled,
"Hi junnie, " Yoongi leaned his mouth to juns ear "is that your boyfriend?" He teases.
Juns eyes widen and he blushed red looking at jungkook
"W-WHAT NO HES NOT!" He basically screams. Jungkook jumped a bit and looked at him,
"Who's not what?" Jungkook asks softly with a small pout.
Jun looked at him and was so tempted to kiss his pout because it was the most adorable thing ever to him.
"N-nothing" jun says and smiled,
Yoongi chuckled a bit and ruffled both of the kids hair.
"I got some money so let's go get ice cream. I know you haven't had some since you were like 7" Yoongi says,
Jun gasped and looked at him.
"R-really were getting ice cream?!" He squeals and hugged him tightly
"Oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you!" He squeals. Jungkook smiles before Yoongi looked at him
"You can join aswell Juns friend" he says.
Jungkook smiles
"Thank you and call me Jungkook"

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