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After a couple more hours jin and the kids left to go back to the house, Jackson made sure Yoongi was comfy before he went out of the the room going to check up on other patients.

Yoongi made sure the cost was clear and then he got up wincing a bit, he walked to the door and peeked out before he walked out to find namjoons room. He asked to go see Namjoon earlier they told him no, he figured he would just go to him without anyone knowing.

He walked around and peeked into rooms carefully trying not to alert anyone, and finally. He peeked into the room Namjoon was in.
He slowly walked in shutting the door behind him, he walked up to him holding in his tears.

He saw how many machines That were attached to Namjoon, he sniffed and failed at holding his tears back. He sat down gently on the bed and looked at him, he felt like all of this was his fault. He looked at him and caressed his face softly, he sniffed and leaned down placing a light kiss on namjoons slightly chapped lips.

Some of his tears fell onto namjoons face and he cried harder, he hugged him being careful.
He just wanted Namjoon back. He whimpered softly as all the crying made his ribs hurt but he didn't care, his whimpers and cries lasted for about 30 minutes until he needed to stop because his chest hurt a lot.

Yoongi carefully laid down in the small space on namjoons hospital bed, he knew that he wasn't really allowed to do this he he just wanted to stay near Namjoon for as long as he could. He carefully Manoeuvred  his arm around namjoons torso (that's like the upper chest area right???)  before he snuggled into namjoons side carefully.

He stayed awake just laying there thinking about what would happen after all of this, he wanted to go back to how Things were before. He wanted to just be at namjoons house with him and be his Property again.

"I-if I just stayed there and never left this wouldn't of happened.." he whispered to himself. He bit his lip and  continued to lay there, he wanted to go back in time. He wished he could go back in time. He sniffed softly and kept mumbling words too himself, every so often he would look up and see if Namjoon was awake but it was always the same result. Namjoon with his eyes closed.

He sighed softly and laid his head back down  staring off at the ceiling, he knew it was getting late and he should go back to his room butt he couldn't leave Namjoon. After a few minutes of debating he decided to just sleep there beside Namjoon, he sat up softly and pressed a kiss to Namjoons lips before laying back down gently.
"I love you.."

'I love you too'

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