Chapter 86

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A few days later...

Emma sat at Killian's cozy desk in the captain's quarters as she rubbed her throbbing head, staring at a map she's seen a thousand times. It just didn't make sense. They've been sailing for four days on the fastest ship in all the realms, with the assistance of magic, and yet by her calculations, they've only gotten through two days of the journey. She knew she was no fine sailor, but she certainly knew how to read a map and move a ship in the right direction.

Maybe she should have paid attention more when Killian told the difference between port and starboard, but when he whispered in her ear, she lost it. The way he would gently grab her waist sent her overboard. If he were here right now, there was no doubt the captain would be scolding her for not listening but then quickly assist her in return.

There was a soft knock on the door, "Enter." Emma called out, never letting her gaze leave the map.

"Emma, I'm hungry." Henry pouted as he entered the room and plopped down near the reading nook.

The princess shifted her attention to the growing boy, "We ate supper an hour ago." She laughed, "Why don't you go down to the galley and eat some of the bread I made?"

"I went down there, and Merlin was eating the last piece!" He expressed, clearly frustrated, "You said captain Jones always keeps the galley full of food, but there's nothing!"

"Henry." Emma chuckled as she got up, "All you and Merlin do is eat. Food will eventually run out." She fixated her gaze on the map once more, "Besides, we should be way ahead of schedule, but we're not."

"I wish Captain Jones was here." Henry stated slightly above a whisper, "Everything seems to keep going wrong. There's little food, the beds are awful, and your sailing is far too slow." He stated, rubbing his grumbling stomach.

Emma sighed. She wished Killian was here too. Life on the Jolly Roger just wasn't the same without him. There were too many tasks to keep up with that she never realized. They needed food, but she had no clue where to make port to get any. She couldn't manage the sails by herself, even with magic. She had to help Henry with school and other small tasks and prepare all their meals. Merlin wasn't as much help as she had hoped. All he did was wave his hand to perform magic and sit back as she did all the work. Occasionally he'd lecture her about magic or how she should mind her parents.

At night, when she finally had enough of the day and retired to the captain's quarters only to be reminded of her pirate more. She'd sit at his desk and examine his maps with his handwriting, in his chair. The princess never realized how uncomfortable the wooden chair was because she'd only ever sat on Killian's lap at the desk, begging him to come to bed.

How he managed it all was a mystery to her.

The worst part was when she finally went to bed she was reminded of Killian's absence. There was no one to cuddle up to, no one's heartbeat to soothe her, and no one to remind her that life worked out regardless of the circumstances. Killian Jones always said he was never one to provide hope, but he provided it to her simply by being there every night.

"Emma." Henry shook her arm, "I'm still hungry."

"Right." She snapped back to reality, "Perhaps some tea and biscuits?"

He scrunched his face, "That's all Queen Snow and I ate when she gave me my lessons." He opposed, "I thought this trip would be fun, but I'd rather be back home in the castle listening to King David complain about how his nightwear is too itchy."

The princess felt slight frustration rise in her. There was only so much food she could provide on top of managing a massive ship, and she still had to figure out why they hadn't reached Ambrosia. The last thing she needed was to be reminded of the poor job she was doing. "Henry, please. You are old enough to find food in the galley and make it yourself." Her body began to shake with rage, "Why don't you go ask Merlin?"

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