Chapter 10: The Battle Of New York

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3rd Person POV

Steve returned to the other three fighters, his shield ricocheting off a Chitauri that was about to shoot Clint. One of the mistakes on his part was the fact he missed the alien that was stood directly in his path, it turning its weapon up to fire at the still unarmed Captain.

"Shit." He said through his teeth, expecting to be shot in the air. Luckily for him, (Y/N)'s scythe swished straight through the thing's abdomen, cutting it in two.

"I'm not gonna make a habit out of saving you. So I suggest you watch it." (Y/N) narrowed his eyes, turning the scythe into his own shield to block a stray shot coming his way.

"Yeah, yeah." Steve muttered as he quickly moved to pick up his shield. Lightning crackled down against the road ahead of them, trying what aliens were left on it as Thor slammed down with a thud.

"Oh, look who it is." (Y/N) snorted in disapproval. Thor glared at him as he walked to the team.

"What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked.

"The power surrounding the Cube is impenetrable." Thor replied.

"Thor's right. We got to deal with these guys." Tony chimed in as he flew over head.

"Like I said before. Let's blow up the tower and let gravity do the rest of the work." (Y/N) said as he slowly turned to look at the bottom of Stark Tower.

"Absolutely not!" Tony's voice boomed. "Do you have any idea how expensive that thing was?"

"Do you have any idea how much I don't care?" (Y/N) said in a tired voice. He was getting very sick of taking stupid orders when the easy fix for this was right there.

"Where's Loki?" Steve ignored you, only succeeding in annoying you even more.

"Took off with one of the Chitauri. In the sky somewhere." Thor said as he took many breaths of air like he'd just been winded earlier.

"I got unfinished business with that guy." (Y/N) stated, standing at the side of Thor unintentionally. The two slowly turned to look at each other, pausing for dramatic effect before taking a step in the opposite direction each.

"Yeah? Well, get in line." Clint said as he checked the arrows he had were in working condition.

"Knock it off, guys." Steve began as he walked past everyone. "Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild." The other four stood together as Steve turned around to face them. "We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to-"

The sound of a motorcycle approaching made Steve stop and look behind him, the others glancing past at Banner as he pulled up. In silence the heroes walked over to him, dodging the fire around them.

"So, this all seems horrible." Bruce smacked his hands down at the sides of his legs.

"I've seen worse." Both (Y/N) and Natasha said in unison, pausing to look at each other in confusion.

"I get this funny feeling we aren't talking about the same thing here, are we?" (Y/N) shook his head before turning back to face Bruce. Natasha sighed quietly before doing the same.

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