Chapter 86: Duality

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Natasha stood at the front gates to what she could only describe as a castle. Stone walls looped around in an arc, surrounding a structure built into the side of one of Colorado's mountains.

She had been waiting around five minutes and she was freezing. Even with gloves and a thick coat on, it was getting hard to stand there. She couldn't exclaim her happiness when she saw a man approaching.

He was clad in a suit that reminded Nat of the Black Panther. After a few seconds, she clicked on to who it was.

This was the old king's cousin. Erik Killmonger. The man Okoye had spoken about. Her blood went even colder than her skin as the man stopped in front of her.

"Are you the one here to see (Y/N)?" He asked. The woman just nodded as she watched him with wariness. Erik turned around and motioned for her to follow him.

The two made their way through the courtyard in silence. Two large, medieval double doors stood tall in the distance. They were the entry point to the main building. One of the doors was already held open from when Erik first left to get Natasha.

They entered the building, immediately ascending a large flight of stairs. On the next floor was another staircase straight ahead, along with two different hallways on each side of the room.

Erik paused midway through walking across the dark patterned carpet. He looked between the halls before stopping and nodding to himself at the far right one.

"That's the one." He mumbled to himself, making Natasha raise an eyebrow. The entire complex was still very new to him and it was difficult to navigate. He began leading her down that hall, passing by many doors on the way.

"I heard you're T'Challa's cousin." Natasha randomly said as they kept walking.

"I am. Even so, I was jailed back in Wakanda when he beat me. The elders wanted me dead, but he refused." Erik said with a dry tone.

"Is that why you're here? Because (Y/N) broke you out of jail?" Nat squinted at the man.

"I'm here because we have a common interest. I think world governments need to change. It seems he has the same idea." He stated, reaching a blue door and stopping. Natasha took a short moment to think about that. She had no knowledge of what was going through (Y/N)'s mind as of late.

Erik pushed open the door to reveal a modern looking lounge. There were two long couches on the floor and a large fish tank built into the wall. Colourful fish swam through the water like bright lights to a dark world.

The floor was covered by a blue and black carpet, spreading out all the way to the opposite wall where a kitchen area was set up.

The only other person in the room was Felicia who was laid across one of the couches. Her eyes were focused on the two with a playful glint.

"Visitors. Huh?" Felicia sat up, rolling onto her stomach and leaning over the arm of the couch. Erik motioned Natasha in and she did so.

"(Y/N) will be here. Pretty sure he was showering when you arrived." Erik stated, crossing his arms as he paced further into the room.

"That's fine." Natasha strolled over to the unoccupied couch and seated herself. The room was somewhat tense after that. Nobody said a word to each other and instead stayed in their own personal bubbles.

"So. You guys lose anyone close to you 5 years ago? I lost my drinking buddy." Felicia piped up, her head tilting to the side to look between the two. It was quite a bother that Raven had been dusted.

"Adopted sister and father." Natasha didn't look at the woman as she gave her response. Her fingers fiddled together as she stared off into empty space. Getting the call from Melina that both Alexei and Yelena were gone was heartbreaking so long ago. She was still having trouble coming to terms with it.

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