le state meetings

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I got motivation again, let's see how long it lasts :)

- Florida and Loui stacking as many things as they can on top of Georgia's head while he's sleeping

- You know when sometimes people's bosses or coworkers offer to buy everyone else lunch after work?

Yeah that is chaos when it comes to meetings, especially when DC offers it before the meeting has ended

It just turns into a very verbal food fight, so DC's just glad there is t any actual food to throw around yet

- I'm not totally sure if anyone has brought this up, but I'm pretty sure it's been brought up in canon that Florida just casually brings gators to the meetings sometimes (in the Canada joins the table sketch)

With that said, Florida just has a small group of gators he individually brings to meetings sometimes and they all have names. And if you misname one of them you can bet your ass he's correcting you and giving you a mom glare

- Depending in the day, sometimes Hawai'i will come by to the meetings (either because the meeting is mandatory for all states, or alaska asked her so he has someone)

8/10 she's busy roasting Gov and the other two times she's sending stupid memes in the group chat (without Gov) and almost makes the other states crack


Gov: Alright everyone let's get started-
Florida: *in a wig carrying Loui's shoes*
Louisiana: *next to Florida, wig on, and a hammer in his hand*
Texas: *visibly tired with a tutu over his jeans*
Oklahoma: *duct taped to the wall with Texas' hat on his head and no shirt*
New York: *holding up Oklahoma's shirt like a prize*
California: *has his hair tied up and has duct tape over his mouth*
Alaska: *surrounded by an army of rubber ducks and wearing clout glasses*
Hawai'i: *painting Alaska's nails black, and the calmest person in the room*
Gov: *leaves*


Florida: DC, more like DN
DC: What's DN?
New York: No-
Florida: DEEZ NUTS-
The south: *takes off belt*
Florida: *sprints*


Posting this from my 3rd period spanish class, popping off ig

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