Nevada and Molossia

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I've been thinking about this idea for a couple of months, but I just never really included it bc I lowkey kept forgetting

So, we in the US of A have a micronation named Molassia in the middle of Nevada

and it's like, really the only people who know it exists are history nerds, the 33 people who live there, and Hetalia fans

But since it's basically surrounded by Nevada, and it kind of broke away from Nevada...

Big brother Nevada

- I like to think Molossia is kind of a rat little kid, but also kind of soft-
Like Nevada's just lowkey trying to be a good caretaker and he's just there like "iM mY oWn cOuNTRy yOU'Re nOt mY bOSs-", basically Nevada is an older brother being forced to take care of the little brother.

- Nevada still likes him though, and accidentally ends up tiring himself out sometimes

- Nevada's asks other states to take care of Molossia when he goes gambling
Usually it's either Utah or Coco who end up looking at him, but Cali has had to a few times when they're busy
Utah thinks he's an adorable gremlin, Cali just describes him as "basically younger Nevada with a slightly higher temper, Coco just likes to see him get mad at him mispronouncing his name

Molossia: I want  f o o d

Colorado: you got it Molasses

- Molossia has gone to Nevada to Reno or Las Vegas before and it was a magical experience
His micronation is literally made up of 33 people and the city surrounding his only has a population of 9,000, so going to such a big place was an experience
Nevada probably took him to circus circus or something

- He has a fox plushie that Ada gave him
He takes it everywhere, and cherishes it with all his life

- Even if he says he doesn't care about Ada, his babysitters have all told Nevada that he had cried at least once because he missed him
He tries not to go gambling as much now whenever he's looking after him


I just wanted a reason to write soft stuff about Nevada
Homeboy would be a great brother-

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