le four corners

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the boys! not the bad ones the goOd ones! :D

- New Mexico loves rice pudding/arroz con leche, and he will die on that hill no matter how many times Ari says that flan is better

- Colorado always accidentally burns his quesadillas and then gives them to Utah. Utah is very much the type of person to want their quesadillas "a little bit crunchy" but it's also lowkey burnt, so it works out

- Arizona's room is always filled with cacti and succulents, Utah has some potted tea herbs, Colorado has a bonsai tree and well,, weed, and New Mexico has eucalyptus and lavender. They like their plants!

- They can all handle way more spice than anyone else in the country. Except Utah, he can deal with it but not to the same extent as the other 3

- Coco bites his nails. Utah always scolds him about it

- They will all collectively judge someone's front yard. Driving through the suburbs, going in a walk with Utahs kiddos, doesn't matter, they'll read your yard

- New Mexico has accidentally cursed in front of the kids a few times...a lot of times. Almost always in Spanish. Luckily, Utah hasn't found out yet

Except for the few times he's slipped in front of Utah. In which cases, Utah just covers the nearest child's ears and gives New Mex the mom glare

- Colorado is the only one in the group that is not fluent in Spanish. He understands it almost perfectly, just struggles speaking sometimes.

The other tease him about being a "no sabo" kid

I love these dweebs <3

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