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Derek Shepherd was done with his internship. Completely done with being a lab running, chart doing servant. He was no longer an intern, he was a resident. Which meant it was time to celebrate. A year of being an intern and now it was time to celebrate and let loose before he started his residency.

It was hard to believe that he wouldn't be working with these same doctors the next year. He had gotten used to seeing them almost every day, fighting for surgeries and cramming for their last final test that they had all passed.

But now it was time to stop thinking about being a doctor and time to celebrate. Derek went with most of his fellow interns, now residents, to a bar close to the hospital to drink to being residents, and to drink to not being owned by the hospital anymore. A few guys were playing darts and some of them were doing shots while Derek went up to the bar to get another scotch.

"Tequila please." A petite blonde stumbled, her hands landing on the bar top as the bartender simply nodded, the most popular bartender in Seattle.

"Straight tequila?" Derek laughed. He couldn't help but overhearing the girl order a drink as he waited for his own.

"Yeah." The blonde nodded, looking away from the man with perfect hair.

"That could get you into trouble."

"It's a good thing you don't have to worry about that." A smirk dancing against her porcelain skin.

"You never know."

"Celebrating end of finals?" The blonde breathed, nodding at the bartender before downing a shot of the warm amber liquid.

"I guess you could say that." He chuckled, taking as sip of the scotch that he had just been handed.


"Wrong again."

"That's rare." She giggled, clearly a little unbalanced already. "Junior?"

"I actually just finished my internship."

"Oh." She leaned in, a smile forming across her lips. "So...medicine?"

"Dr. Shepherd." He smiled.

"Wow....a doctor." She breathed, her breath warm.

"It's not as great as it sounds...at least not yet."

"I believe you." She giggled infectiously.

"What about you?" Derek smiled, turning towards her.

"Junior...going to Medschool hopefully the year after next."

"Where do you wanna go?"

"Hmm....I'd like to stay at Dartmouth."


"Yeah." She eyed him up and down, loving his smile the most and wondering what if would be like to run her fingers through that hair.

"I take it you're celebrating finals." He laughed.

"That I am." She stumbled, catching herself against the bar top. "And I take you're celebrating about to be a resident...."

"You're right."

"I usually am." Her eyes glistened underneath the dim bar lights and possibly from the amount of alcohol she had consumed.

"Hmm...Cocky." He laughed.

"You have no idea."

"I kind of want to know."

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