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I love you. Three simple words, one syllable per word and that was all she had to say. She felt it. So as they sat in the Seattle airport, hoping their flight would be called soon she wanted to say it. I love you Derek Shepherd, that was all she wanted to say and all she was actively doing was staring at him as he looked over the crossword puzzle he was actively pretending not to cheat on. I love you. Just spit out the stupid words Meredith. I love you Derek.

He looked up every now and then, pressing a kiss to her cheek as she tried to utter the words but then she would look confused and he'd try and figure out if something was wrong or if she needed something and all she wanted to say was that she loved him and that she had never had butterflies before and that she was going to meet his mother for the first time and it shouldn't be as his best friend

but as the woman who adored him. The woman who was years younger then this surgical resident who was in love. The woman who was sitting in the airport, trying to say I love you. Love. She felt it, she needed to just say it. "Derek..."

"Hmm?" He smiled, writing an answer down on the crossword puzzle.

"I um...."

"What?" He chuckled, looking at her.


"You're adorable when you're nervous."

"I just....never mind." Meredith tapped her finger on the arm rest, looking around their gate. I love you...that was all she had to say.

"Okay." Derek smiled, kissing her cheek.

"Yeah yeah...."

"I have a gift for you when we get to New York."

"A gift?" She breathed. He was the worlds most perfect man and she couldn't say it. Meredith 'stupid' Grey was in love.


"Well....what kind of gift?"

"You'll see."

"Derek." He knew her so well.

"Its a surprise...if I tell you it won't be a surprise." He laughed.


"But what?"

"Nothing." She whispered, looking down at her hands as he looked back down to the crossword, unaware that she had the worlds most important sentence, no...statement to say. He had to know, she had to say it. The more she waited, tapping her fingers she realized she was madly in love with him. She just needed guts, the guts to tell him and be brave. "Derek..."

"I'm not gonna tell you what it is."

"No...it's not that."

"Then what?" He frowned, looking over at her.


"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I just...." She wasn't going to mess this up. I love you. It was easy to say, or not really but she could pretend because she had to tell him. She loved him. Derek Shepherd made her whole. "I just...I'm thirsty.'

"What do you want?"

"I can wait until we're on the plane."

"I'll go grab something for you." He smiled, kissing her quickly.

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