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She shouldn't be nervous. She was just here to meet Derek for lunch with their daughter and she shouldn't be nervous that she was at his place of work with their baby who wouldn't sit still. The baby who wouldn't sit still was attracting looks from people who walked by and Meredith shouldn't be nervous. Being nervous was stupid but they had been up having sex all night and she was nervous. It didn't help that the thirteen month old baby in her arms was trying to push the diaper bag off her shoulder. "Emma..."

"Ba!" Emma grinned, reaching into the bag.

"Emma stop." Meredith pat the baby's back.

"Ba...Ba ma!"

"Emma...do you want your pacifier?"

"Da!" Emma screamed, as Derek walked into the lobby, a smile on his face as he saw Meredith and his infant daughter.

"Hey." Meredith smiled, eying him in his navy blue scrubs. She hadn't noticed just how great he had looked in them until now. He looked really great and the kind of great that made her wish her baby wasn't here with her. Not that she didn't want Emma, she loved Emma but Derek looked sexy and amazing.

"My two favorite girls." Derek smiled, kissing Emma's head before leaning kissing Meredith.

"Da!" Emma smiled, immediately reaching for Derek.

"Emma..." Derek laughed, pulling away from Meredith. "I was trying to kiss your Mommy."

"My ba!"

"Oh that's what you want."

"Here." Meredith popped it into Emma's mouth before looking up with a smile at Derek.

"Sorry I'm a little late." Derek smiled.

"It's okay...I had to change her diaper." Meredith breathed, before shaking her head. "Not that you wanted to know that she had a diaper change but..."

"I love to hear about her diaper changes." He laughed.

"Oh." Meredith smiled.


"Starved." Meredith lifted the bag of subs she had picked up.

"Hmm...My favorite." Derek smiled, taking the bag.

"Baba....loo!" Emma popped her pacifier out, trying to give it to Derek.

"You want to give it to me?"

"My ba!" Emma screamed, before popping it back into her mouth.

"Oh okay." Derek laughed, kissing Meredith's cheek. "Let's go eat."

"I um...last night was....." Meredith blushed, as they walked towards an elevator.

"I'm exhausted...but...its a good exhausted." Derek chuckled.

"I um.....I want a moment with you today." She smirked as the elevator doors opened.

"A moment?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." She smiled, as he hit the basement floor button and Emma tried to reach forward.

"Should I bring...anything?"

"No." She giggled.,

"Okay." He laughed, kissing her cheek.

"Remember how Emma and I were supposed to run errands while you were working?"

"Didn't happen?"

"We fell asleep."


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