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Emma was being loud and smiley and especially giggly in the backseat as Meredith drove, trying to make sure she had done everything. Today was her Noodles first birthday and Meredith wasn't sure that she had done everything, or she was sure but something felt entirely off. The balloons were at the house, the cake had been picked up, her party dress was on before they left Susan's and now she was feeling a little off.

There wasn't anything missing, because she had checked all morning. Everything was quite perfect and Derek would be there with the drinks for the party any minute. He might actually have been there, which he was once she saw his car parked in front of her apartment. Meredith stopped after she parked her car, frowning as she saw two women standing with him. Meredith bit her lip, looking back at a happy Emma before realizing, Derek's mother was right there. The other woman, had to be Addison because she had seen her in the mall that day and suddenly Meredith knew why everything felt off. She would kill him. "Come on Emma."

"Meredith...Wait." Derek said quickly as she walked as fast as she could towards the door.

"I can't believe you." Meredith said, fumbling around to find her house key, not caring as Emma stared at the two women who were following them.

"Could you please just stop and listen to me?"

"Meredith Dear, please listen to my son." Mrs. Shepherd said sternly, her eyes soft though as she looked at Emma.

"I....oh my god." Meredith frowned.

"Mom..." Derek groaned, gesturing to her to back up.

"Sorry Dear." Mrs. Shepherd reluctantly stepped back, turning to talk nervously to the infamous redhead.

"Can we please talk?" Derek asked, as Meredith opened the door to the apartment.

"Why so you can spring more surprises on me?"

"I wasn't exactly in favor of them coming...and you'd know if you'd listen to me."

"And you're not one to talk about surprises." Addison chimed in.

"Addison...Shut up." Derek snapped in a harsher tone than he had intended.

"I...seriously?" Meredith groaned, glairing at Addison before almost forcefully giving Derek his daughter. "What do you want from me? You're an ass."

"I just want to talk to you." Derek sighed, repeating the same thing.


"Alone." He said, looking at his mother and girlfriend.

"Yes Dear." Mrs. Shepherd led Addison over to the sofa where they sat as Meredith and Derek stayed closer to the door.

"I told them not to come...I told them...not today."

"And yet they're here....in your car. You drove."

"They wouldn't leave it alone and I wanted to come alone but they were ready to go..."

"You're so full of shit."

"I swear...This was the last thing I wanted to do."

"And somehow I don't believe you." Meredith snapped, as Emma sucked on her pacifier, her small hand reaching for Derek's hair.

"I need you to believe me." Derek whispered, looking over at this Mother and Addison who were watching them intently. "I told them not to come."

"Then you should have left without them and instead, you corner me. Your mother is probably pissed and Addison...you know how I felt and you went and screwed me over." Meredith lowered her voice.

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