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Her eyes were tired, her feet hurt and none of it helped that she was carrying a bowling bowl against her abdomen. Now it was five hours after her shift had ended and she was just getting home due to the summer flu outbreak and the risk of the Emergency Room being understaffed. She opened the door, stepping into the home they had started to pack up , before walking to the stairs, only to notice a living room light being flipped on. "Hey."

"Hey?" Derek said, standing in the middle of the room, his cell phone and pager in his hand.

"Is Emma asleep?" Meredith yawned, tossing her bags on the chair as he stood up. "I know that cold has been bothering her."

"Yes she's...Where the hell have you been?"

"What?" Meredith frowned, pulling her hair out of the ponytail holder.

"Where the hell have you been?" Derek repeated, throwing his cell phone onto the coffee table.

"Work." She looked at him as if he was crazy. "You said Emma was in bed?"

"You got off five hours ago!"

"No I didn't."

"Then why..." Derek said, picking up his blackberry again. "Why does my phone say that you get off at eleven?"

"Because I was supposed to...but I didn't."

"And you didn't think to call me?"

"Derek, half of Seattle is sick. I didn't get a chance."

"Seriously?" Derek groaned.

"What's your problem?" She frowned, running a hand over her stomach.

"My problem? My problem is that my wife is six months pregnant...I thought she was going to be home five hours ago and I didn't hear from her!"

"And there are times where I go hours not hearing from you but I don't bitch and moan."

"I'm not carrying our child!"

"Derek, I was busy." Meredith rolled her eyes, before turning and walking towards the kitchen.

"Wait...Wait a second." Derek followed after her.

"No." Meredith flicked the kitchen light on.


"What?" She browsed through the freezer.

"You're just...not concerned at all that I've been sitting here picturing you lying on the side of the road somewhere?"

"Derek, you're freaking out over nothing. Izzie...she's in med school too trying to get to her internship...anyways she came down with something I and I needed to cover for her until they could get someone else in."

"You could have called me...or paged me...Text message. Smoke signal."

"I don't know how to send a smoke signal." She giggled, before looking in the refrigerator.

"If you did...would you have?" He sighed, leaning against the counter, relieved that she was alright.

"Where is the sour cream?"

"We're out."

"What?" She looked up, her face looking more than let down.

"You ate it all with the tacos last night." He said, before standing up straight. "I...you said the flu is going around?"

"Yep?" She bit her lip, trying to find something else to fulfill her many cravings.

"I'm going to have a talk with somebody tomorrow."

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