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"I'm back!" Derek called as he let himself back into his and Addison's hotel suite. He was getting sick of staying here. He had the land that he still hadn't told her about and staying in this hotel room, cooped up, was not good for him. He had gone out for a little while by himself, just to think and had ended up picking up a few things for both Meredith and Emma.

"I...yeah. I picked up a few things." He smiled, putting the bags down next to the desk.

"What did you get?" Addison asked, walking over to the desk, trying to not sound completely annoyed that he was never around.

"Oh um...some toys for Emma."

"Oh, that's all?"

"Pretty much."

"Oh." Addison nodded, looking down at the Barney's shopping bag. She loved Barneys. Derek knew that and yet he wasn't saying he got her anything. Not that it mattered but it was a Barneys bag and Derek wasn't the Barneys type of guy.

"And a little something for Meredith." He breathed.

"You got her something at Barney's." Addison breathed.

"Yeah...just a sweater." Derek nodded, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed, taking off his shoes.

"Oh, okay." Addison peeked in the bag, only seeing a green v-neck sweater in one bag and definitely toys and baby clothes in the other bag. Lots of innocent pinks and yellows.

"What have you been doing?" Derek changed the subject.

"I just got off work, where you stood me up for lunch."

"We had....Oh."

"It's the second time you've stood me up this week." She was getting annoyed, more then she had intended to let him know and he didn't really seem all that interested.

"I forgot Addison. I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you're sorry a lot this week." Addison groaned, turning and walking further into the hotel room.


"I understand...Emma."

"Emma." Derek nodded.

"And you had to buy Emma's mother a sweater."

"I didn't have to."

"I see." Addison nodded, before turning and walking back into the room.

"Addison...You're not actually mad that I bought Mer a sweater are you?"

"No!" Addison gasped sarcastically, falling onto the bed. "Why would I be mad?"

"Are you kidding me?" Derek rolled his eyes. "It's a sweater...not a diamond ring."

"Which you have yet to give to me...."

"Is that what you're angry about?"

"No." Addison sighed, shaking her head and running a hand through her long hair. "No I'm not angry that we got to rainy Seattle and you have a baby which is important but apparently means I will never get to be your wife and...."

"I told you...in time."

"It's not like you spend any time with me anyway."

"I have a few days off next week so...we could go somewhere." Derek shrugged, standing up.

"Really?" Addison breathed, looking up at him with hopeful eyes.


"What about this weekend?" Addison straightened up, straightening her blouse. "I have off at the clinic...you're off."

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