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"Are you excited Em?" Derek smiled, as he carried his now oldest child, his two-year old daughter down the halls of the hospital so see her mother and her baby brother. Emma had been staying with Lexie from the time Meredith had gone into labor until a few hours after their son was born and now she was going to get to finally meet the new baby in their family.

"See Mama?" Emma asked, her hands clutched on the Big Sister shirt that looked way too big for her.

"And Ian."

"I wanna see Ma."

"You're going to see Ma." Derek assured her, turning the corner into the maternity wing of the hospital.

"Mama." Emma grinned.

"Mama's very tired though, Em."

"Mama seepin?"

"She might be."

"Mama." Emma giggled, as Derek waved at a nurse.

"Okay...This is Mommy's room." Derek said, stopping outside of a closed door.

"Mama in der?"

"Yeah...but if your brother is asleep or Mommy is asleep, you have to be quiet, okay?"

"Okay Da." Emma sighed. She was still little and he knew she didn't understand much of what was going on.

"Okay." Derek smiled, kissing Emma's head before opening the hospital room door.

"Hey." Meredith smiled weakly from the bed as she lay in a lavender nightgown Lexie had brought to them. In her arms was the tiny baby.

"Hi Ma." Emma's voice went rather quiet.

"Is he asleep?" Derek asked, walking over to the side of Meredith's bed.

"Yeah. He just got done eating." Meredith shifted on the bed. "Hi Noodle."

"Who is dat?" Emma frowned, looking down at her brother.

"Ian...your baby brother." Meredith grinned, unwrapping the baby just a eough to show off how tiny he was.

"Oh." Emma sighed, as Derek sat with her on the bed.

"Want to give him a kiss?" Derek asked, holding Emma on his lap.

"Bay bay?" Emma frowned, before hiding her face in Derek's arm.

"Emma look..." Meredith giggled.

"Em...It's your brother." Derek whispered.


"What's wrong Emma?" Meredith giggled, shifting so that she could lift Ian a little closer. "Your baby..."

"No!" Emma yelled.

"Emma, what did Daddy tell you about being quiet?" He reminded her, rubbing her back.

"My ma!"

"Mama is right here."

"Derek, maybe I should hold Emma." Meredith bit her lip.

"Mama..." Emma started to whimper, reaching for Meredith.

"Okay." Derek sighed, kissing Emma's head sitting her on the bed and taking Ian from Meredith's arms.

"My Ma Ian...mine!" Emma waved.

"Emma..." Meredith groaned, kissing her daughter's curls. "Be nice."

"You have to take care of him, Em. He's your little brother."

"He's been waiting to meet you Emma." Meredith breathed, lifting the toddler's hand to stroke the baby's head.

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