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Lexie had to be embarrassed, she just had to be because Lexie didn't have a one year old who cried and whined all the time because she needed her pacifier. So Lexie had to be humiliated and wondering why Meredith had picked to have lunch in Public. It had been a stupid idea. She should have never even thought of it. But Emma had been getting a little better and she had been tired of being stuck in the apartment whenever she didn't have class or work so getting out seemed like a good idea except now Emma was whining and throwing Cheerios on the floor. "I'm so sorry Lex..."

"It's okay." Lexie chuckled, taking a sip of her water as they sat in the cozy cafe.

"I think Derek was practically escaping this morning. He didn't even wake me up to tell me he was leaving."

"He probably wanted you to get some sleep while you could."

"Da...." Emma groaned, throwing her sippy cup on the floor.


"I've got it." Lexie said, leaning down to pick up the cup.

"La La...." Emma grinned, one of the few little smiles she had given in the past week. Emma had stopped asking for Ba as much, but she was completely fussy and difficult to do with.

"Hi Noodle." Lexie giggled, standing up and taking Emma from Meredith. "Let's give Mommy some time to eat."

"You can put her in the stroller if you want." Meredith quickly took a bite of her salad.

"You can put her in the stroller if you want." Meredith quickly took a bite of her salad.

"La...." Emma whimpered, kicking her legs as she tried to reach for Lexie's roll from her salad.

"Emma..be nice." Meredith warned, her mouth full of salad.

"It's okay." Lexie chuckled. "She can have it."

"Small....very small pieces." Meredith reminded Lexie as Emma threw a fit.

"Here you go Em." Lexie whispered,breaking off a small piece of her roll and giving it to Emma.

"Tay La." Emma immediately stopped, her pigtails sticking straight up on her head.

"I miss the pacifier." Meredith groaned.

"Not as much as she does." Lexie tried not to giggle.

"I got two hours of sleep last night...if that." Meredith complained, taking a sip of her soda. "I had to sleep on the couch with her because Derek needs to have some sort of sleep before work and I just...he needed sleep."

"Is everything okay between you two?" Lexie frowned.

"Yeah." Meredith took another bite, looking down at her phone with no new texts.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. We're fine and we're just tired so we keep snapping at each other and she's always cranky."

"And the wedding planning is probably stressful too." Lexie added, taking a bite of her own food as Emma looked around at the other people in the restaurant.

"We...what?" Meredith frowned.

"We...what?" Meredith frowned.

"Oh we haven't...there hasn't been anytime."

"You've been engaged for a month...and you haven't talked about the wedding?" Lexie frowned.


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