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Work was stupid. There was no reason for it to be stupid. Everything had gone great today for Derek. There hadn't been any patients with problems that he couldn't fix, and he had just been able to inform a long time patient that a brain tumor that had been recurring for years was gone. So it was a good day. But a stupid day. Because he would have rather been home with his daughter and his wife.

Meredith would be getting out of class right about now and going to pick up Emma and take her home for lunch. But Derek was stuck at work. Stupid work. He opened his laptop to check if there any emails from the contractor about their new house and to make sure he didn't have any meetings this afternoon when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Derek called, sitting back in his chair as he scrolled through his e-mails.

"I could be grocery shopping...or taking a much needed nap but instead I came to see my husband." Meredith announced, marching right into the office of her husband,

"Meredith..." Derek grinned, looking up to see his wife walking into his office with her school bag on her arm.

"Emma is with Susan and Thatcher..." Meredith tossed her bag on the sofa.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled, standing up from his desk to say hello to her.

"You have a horny wife...a cranky one year old and I'm avoiding my daily tasks."

"Good to see you too." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her.

"Mmm...your dork book came in the mail today. The one about brains and sex."

"It's not a dork book."

"It kind of is."

"It's interesting."

"It's a non dirty book about sex." Meredith rollled her eyes.

"So what would you have done if a dirty book showed up in the mail?" Derek laughed.

"Stolen it for myself."

"I already knew that answer."

"You did?" She giggled, as she sat against the desk.

"I know you very well." He smiled, leaning into her and kissing her.

"You do...."

"How was class?"

"Boring, but I got to practice sutures on a tomato."


"Which then made me want tomatoes so I stopped at the store on the way over and got Tomatoes and sea salt."

"You ate a plain tomato?"

"I put sea salt on it."

"That's...kind of weird...but okay." He laughed.

"It was amazing."

"Whatever you say."

"I washed it down with chocolate milk." Meredith grinned against his lips.

"Gross Mer."

"Don't knock it until you've tried it."

"I think I'll pass on that one." He whispered, his hands on her thighs.

"Oh." She giggled.

"I don't get off until eight." He sighed.

"I hate that."

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