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If Derek had to choose a favorite part of his day, this would be it. Going to see Emma first thing in the morning and seeing her and Meredith cuddle was the first thing he did everyday and his favorite thing. Meredith had even trusted him with his own key to the apartment to get inside in the morning.

The apartment was quiet except for a faint giggling that Derek could here which he could only assume was Emma. Meredith was barely wake at this time of day and she told him all the time how Emma got up early like him. Derek put the coffee down that he had picked up in the way over and headed into the nursery, where his daughter was sitting up in her crib, the first sunlight of the day coming into room.

"Good morning..." Derek grinned as he walked in and placed a kiss on his daughters head before lifting her out of the crib, like he did everyday, and heading down the hallway to Meredith's room, which was still dark.

"Ba!" Emma beamed, smiling wide.

"She's wide awake." Derek laughed, as Meredith rolled over in her bed.

"She always is." Meredith groaned, her hair a mess as she sat up in the large bed.

"Good morning."

"Morning." Meredith swatted at her nose.

"Ma!" Emma giggled.

"How was she last night?"

"Cranky." Meredith answered, as Derek handed Emma to her. Meredith kissed Emma's head and sat her down on the bed.

"Sorry." Derek sighed, sitting down in the rocking chair that he sat in every morning."

"It's okay....one of her teeth is coming in." Meredith sighed, as Emma sat right back up.

"Does she have a teething ring?"

"Yeah." Meredith yawned, as she started to lie back with Emma cuddled close.

"Okay...I was going to get one but if she has one..."

"She doesn't like it." Meredith sighed, placing the pacifire in Emma's mouth as she pulled the baby close.

"Ba....Ma ba...." Emma gurgled, as Meredith slowly began to close her eyes. "Ba...Hi!"

"Emma...Shh...." Derek whispered.

"Emma..." Meredith whispered, patting the baby's stomach.

"Bah!" Emma giggled, sitting up and turning on her stomach.

"I can take her into the other room."

"No it's okay...."

"Okay." Derek sighed, sitting back in the rocking chair.

"Ba!" Emma giggled, crawling away on the bed.

"Emma..." Derek chuckled.

"Derek." Meredith swatted at her nose, trying to reach for Emma.


"Emma, go to sleep." Derek leaned forward in the chair as Emma smiled at him.

"Hi!" Emma looked back at him, moving to crawl over Meredith's legs.

"Emma..." Meredith mumbled, falling asleep.

"Sleep." Derek smiled.

"Hmm...." Meredith turned on her side.



"Hi!" Emma giggled, crawling over to Meredith and kissing Meredith's cheek.

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