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"Hi...Sorry I'm late..." Derek said, out of breath as he sat down at a small cafe table across from his red headed girlfriend. He was almost a half hour late but Emma and for once Meredith, had wanted him to stay.

"Let me guess...Emma pooped?" Addison sat down her wine, and leaned forward.

"Yeah." Derek rolled his eyes. He knew she was going to be upset with him for not being on time.

"I would say that you could have called....but again you left your phone in the hotel." Addison reached to pull a blackberry out of her purse, handing it to him.

"Oh...Thanks." Derek took the phone back.

"Your Mom called."


"Right as I was getting back from work." Addison said, point to the phone. "You should call her back...we talked for a bit and I may have slipped that you had some big news."

"You did what?"

"Well I answered and we got to talking...then she asked why you had been so busy and I told her that it wasn't my secret to tell."

"Damnit Addison!"

"Lower your tone." Addie looked around, before smiling at Derek, not a single hair falling from her updo. "It was an accident but think about it. At least now you can tell your mother and she can see your baby's first birthday."

"I told you that I was going to tell her in due time." Derek snapped.

"Time is due."

"This is about my child."

"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure Meredith isn't sharing."

"You had no right to tell my mom anything!"

"I never told her you had a baby."

"You might as well have!" Derek raised his voice.

"Derek...I helped. Don't you see what Meredith is doing to you?"

"Meredith isn't doing anything to me...She's trying."

"Derek she lets you see your daughter on her terms...she won't let you have your girlfriend around her...you couldn't even take her on a walk on your own."

"I can't believe you did this."

"Do you remember Emma's first diaper change?"

"I remember the first time I did it."

"Do you remember the moment she came into this world? How she cried...how she looked bundled up in her first moments? No...you don't."

"And I've come to terms with that!" Derek yelled. "You're supposed to support me!"

"I do support you but Meredith doesn't. Do you think she's going to be supportive when you want to change Emma's last name?"

"Who said I want to change Emma's last name?"

"You're her father...you might want her to have your last name one day."

"She's Emma Carolyn Grey."

"And you're not a Grey...you're a Shepherd. Meredith's family has more say in Emma's life then you do Derek."

"Because they've been in her life longer!"

"And that's Meredith's fault." Addison whispered, but with a high tone. "Not yours and not your Moms!"

"I've forgiven her!" Derek snapped. "She can't take it back...she would but she can't and that's it!"

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