Living with the Tonks

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London, England, September 1st, 1982

Severus Snape was going to start to teach at Hogwarts today. Before starting his job, he had packed his things and his daughter's and apparated with Grace. Severus and his daughter were now in front of Andromeda Tonks' house. Snape walked to the front door and knocked. A few seconds later a woman who reminded him a lot of Bellatrix Lestrange opened the door.

"Severus, I was waiting for you." Andromeda spoke.

"I expect you to take very good care of my daughter as if she were your own, Andromeda." Snape said with a threating tone.

"You don't need to worry, she'll like to stay here."

Then, Andromeda took the child from Snape's arms. "Nymphadora, honey, please come here and take Grace's things." Andromeda called, loud enough for her daughter to hear.

Suddenly a girl with blue eyes and dark hair like her mother's appeared by the door. Snape jumped a little when he saw that after the girl took Grace's things her hair turned pink.

"Your daughter is a Metamorphmagus?" Snape asked Andromeda.

"Yes." He gave Grace a kiss on her forehead before going to Hogwarts. It would be hard for both of them, staying away from each other for a long time.

Grace had gotten used to her new 'family'. Nymphadora became almost like a sister to her. Severus visited his daughter during holidays and weekends, and in summer and winter vacations he would take her back home. In 1984, when Grace was spending time in Andromeda's home, was a little upset, Nymphadora wasn't there anymore, she went to study at Hogwarts, she got in Hufflepuff.

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