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As agreed, on the day that all the students would return to their homes, Grace went to live with the Tonks family.

Despite everything that had happened, Grace was still in shock and couldn't believe what her own father could do. During her first days living with Nymphadora, Andromeda and Ted (Grace couldn't complain, they were wonderful people and she loved living with them again), Grace still expected some sign of Severus, anything. But after that night at Hogwarts, she never heard from her father again.

Today was an atypical day at the Tonks house, Harry would be taken to the Weasley house, but first he would go to the Tonks house and then use a Portkey to get to the Weasleys. It would be the first time Grace would see her brother after all the events of the last school year.

During the night, Andromeda, Grace and Ted were nervously awaiting Harry's arrival when they heard a noise in the lake near the house.

"Who's there? Is it Potter? Are you Harry Potter?" Ted said, getting closer to the source of the noise.

"They've crashed, Ted! Crashed in the garden!" Andromeda screamed.

"Hagrid," Harry said, his knees buckled.

Ted carried Harry, who had fainted shortly after arriving, into the house, while Andromeda and Grace went to help Hagrid.

Grace joined Ted in the living room to wait for Harry to wake up. Ele abriu os olhos e ajustou sua visão à luz.

"Hagrid's fine, Harry." Grace said.

"My wife's seeing to him now. How are you feeling? Anything else broken? I've fixed your ribs, your tooth, and your arm. I'm Ted, by the way, Ted Tonks — Dora's father." Ted said.

Harry sat up quickly. "Voldemort —" he murmured.

"Calm down, Harry. You have just had a serious crash." Grace said, pushing him back against the cushions.

"What happened, anyway? Something go wrong with the bike? Arthur Weasley overstretch himself again, him and his Muggle contraptions?" Ted asked.

"No," Harry said. "Death Eaters, loads of them — we were chased —"

"Death Eaters?" Grace said confusingly. "I thought they didn't know you were being moved tonight, I thought —"

"They knew," said Harry.

"Well, we know our protective charms hold, then, don't we? They shouldn't be able to get within a hundred yards of the place in any direction." Ted said.

Harry threw his legs off the couch, wanting to get up and go to Hagrid to check on him, but just then, the door opened and Hagrid walked, with difficulty, through it, his face covered in blood and mud.


Hagrid went to the boy and hugged him.

"Blimey, Harry, how did yeh get out o' that? I thought we were both goners." Hagrid said.

"Yeah, me too. I can't believe —"

But Harry fell silent when he saw Andromeda enter the room.

"You!" he shouted, and he thrust his hand into his pocket, but it was empty.

"Your wand's here, son," said Ted, tapping it on Harry's arm. "It fell right beside you, I picked it up. And that's my wife you're shouting at."

"Oh, I'm — I'm sorry."

Grace understood what had happened: Andromeda and Bellatrix looked very similar, and for a moment Harry thought she was Bellatrix.

When Andromeda went a little further, Harry was able to notice more of the differences between the two sisters, her lighter brown hair, and her more groomed appearance.

"What happened to our daughter?" she asked. "Hagrid said you were ambushed; where is Nymphadora?"

"I don't know," said Harry sincerely. "We don't know what happened to anyone else."

Grace, Ted and Andromeda looked at each other worriedly.

"The Portkey," Harry said. "We've got to get back to the Burrow and find out — then we'll be able to send you word, or — or Tonks will, once she's —"

"Dora will be okay, aunt Andie." Grace said, hugging Andromeda.

"She knows her stuff, she's been in plenty of tight spots with the Aurors. The Portkey's through here," Ted said. "It's supposed to leave in three minutes, if you want to take it."

"Yeah, we do," Harry said, picking up the backpack that had been left in a corner in the room.

Grace hugged her brother tightly. Then he turned to Andromeda.

"I'll tell Tonks — Dora — to send word, when she... Thanks for patching us up, thanks for everything. I —"

Finally, Harry returned Grace's hug, and kissed her forehead. After that Ted walked Harry to the Portkey.

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