Father and daughter

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Grace couldn't remember the last time she had spent the holidays only with her father. It had been so long ago. Although she wanted to meet Harry at the Weasley family home, or spend it at Malfoy Manor with Draco and his family, as she had been invited to do, she felt that she needed time alone with Severus. Grace felt even a little guilty about being away from her father recently.

Severus, as he hadn't done in a long time, in order to be able to spend Christmas and New Year's with his daughter alone, the two of them went back home, instead of staying at Hogwarts, as they usually did.

The two of them were together around the fireplace in the living room, Grace watching the crackling fire, while Severo watched her. The two of them in silence.

"I guess in all these years, I've never told you how much you look like your mother." Severus spoke.

Grace stopped staring into the fire, and turned to Severus, with a smile on her face. "It's kind of obvious... But just looking at her pictures, I can already see the similarities."

She knew that her eyes were the same as Lily's, because Harry had the exact same eyes. That was the only reason anyone who looked at the two of them knew they were brother and sister. Despite having black hair like her father's, Grace was almost identical to her mother in everything else. Her skin tone was more like her father's, pale, which made her beauty stand out, with her green eyes and very dark hair.

"You know, sometimes you are so much like her, not only physically, but in personality, that I wonder how you are my daughter." Severus said.

Grace chuckled. "I'm not that much like her, Dad. I'm in Slytherin because I'm also like you."

"You have a great sense of justice, you are friendly and outgoing, kind and brave. All this certainly comes from Lily."

"I think my aptitude for Potions comes from you, although I know that Mom was also very talented. I admit to being a bit vindictive, and that also comes from you."

Severus slung his arm across his daughter's shoulder, who came closer and laid her head on her father's shoulder.

"Your talent in Quidditch is something that you definitely didn't take from either of us." he said.

They both laughed.

"You know what else? Last year, back when D.A. was active, Harry taught me how to conjure the Patronus. And mine is a Doe. I know it's the same as Mom's too, but from the first time I could conjure a Patronus, I always felt that it came from you."

Upon hearing this, Severus let a tear fall.

The next day Grace woke up to the sun coming through her window and hitting her face. It was Christmas morning. She went downstairs to the living room, where the presents were.

From Mrs. Weasley, she got a sweater with the letter G knitted on the front, a broomstick maintenance kit from Harry, a long baby-blue dress from Narcissa (which Grace saw was from Twilfitt and Tattings, a store known for selling expensive clothes), a Skiving Snackbox from Fred and George, several candies from Ron, some books from Hermione, from Draco she got a beautiful snake-shaped bracelet with emerald encrusted eyes, from Tonks she got a purple Pygmy Puff from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes (which Nymphadora knew Grace wanted).

Finally she opened her father's present. It was a wand. Severus appeared in the room just in time, before Grace asked why did he give her a wand, since hers was in great condition.

"It is your mother's wand. I kept it all this time, because I felt it was the only thing that reminded me of Lily. But you are the thing that reminds me of her the most, and I couldn't have a better memory of your mother than you. So I think you deserve to have her wand."

Grace let out the tears that she didn't even know she was holding back. She got up from the floor and hugged her father with all her strength.

"Thank you so much, Dad." she sobbed.

"Merry Christmas, sweetheart."

"Merry Christmas."

On New Year's Eve, Grace and Severuswere having dinner at home, everything was in a pleasant mood. Until Severus asked about Draco.

"How are you two doing? Since you told me you were big enough to keep meeting your father after school every day, we haven't spoken much during the year."

Upon hearing the question, Grace's eyes widened for seconds, which did not go unnoticed by Severus.

"Hmm... We're fine, Dad." Grace said, not wanting to give too many details.

"Are you sure? You don't seem so sure."

"I am. We have never been so good." she said, getting lost in her own thoughts as she remembered her and Draco together.

Seeming to read her mind, Severus, who had previously been calmly carrying on a conversation with his daughter, immediately changed his posture, stiffening and looking deep into Grace's eyes.

"Grace," he said in a stern tone.

"Y-yes?" she said, her voice trembling.

"Did you and Malfoy have sex?"

Grace has never been so scared in her entire life.

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