First day and Quidditch

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First day of second year. Grace couldn't believe that a year had passed since she'd entered Hogwarts and that everything had happened. As usual, Grace, Megan, Melia, Astoria and Ella got up and went to get ready. Grace was putting her clothes on when one of the girls asked.

"Grace, didn't you start wearing a bra?" Megan asked.

The other girls turned round and began to pay attention to the conversation.

"I started wearing them last year. My mum took me to a well-known muggle shop and I bought mine there." Astoria said.

"Yeah, mine took me on holiday. Embarrassing." Melia said. "At least I have a sister who can help me in this kind of situation."

"You know that my mum died when I was a few months old. I live with my father. How am I supposed to have this kind of conversation and go shopping for this kind of thing with him?" Grace asked.

"I'm sorry, Grace. I'd hate it if I had to ask my dad for that kind of thing." Ella said.

"At least you have a father, mine was killed by aurors when I was 4... at first it was really hard for all of us, especially my mum, who didn't know he was a Death Eater..." Melia said.

"You can borrow ours until you buy it. You don't have to ask your father, isn't there anyone else you can ask?" Astoria said.

"Thank you, Astoria." Grace said. She thought for a moment when her friend asked if there was anyone she could ask for this kind of thing, and then two people came to Grace's mind, Nymphadora and Andromeda. "I think I could try asking someone."

The girls went to have their breakfast and their classes as normal.

After her Potions lesson with Gryffindor, Grace waited for the students to leave and went to her father's table.

"Grace, you know we always talk after dinner, there's no need to miss lessons for that. Go before you're late." Snape said.

"I wanted to speak to you briefly now. You're Slytherin's Head of House." Grace said.

"I am." he nodded.

"I was just waiting for second year to come round. I wanted to sign up for the Slytherin quidditch team." Grace said.

"Are you sure you want this?" Snape asked.


"I'll think about it, then. Go, before I make up my mind and the answer is no." Snape said.

Grace quickly left the Potions room and went to her next class.

After all her lessons and dinner, Grace went to her father's office as agreed.

"Come in." Snape spoke once he heard her knocking on the door.

Grace sat on the chair in front of her father's desk.

"So, dad," Grace said. "have you decided?"

"Have I decided what?" he asked her.

"If I can join Slytherin's quidditch team, obviously."

"Grace, dear, I don't think that's a good idea." Snape said, sighing.

"Dad, you know that since Madam Hooch told me I could join the team I really wanna join, you know how much I trained in summer vacation for that! Please let me join! I'll do the tryouts and if I don't join then I'll never try again!"

"I don't even know if the team needs new players. What position do you want to be?" Snape asked.

"I want to be a chaser. Please, Dad!" Grace begged, and made the face she always made when she asked for or wanted something.

"Alright. I'll put your name on the list then. Tryouts will be Sunday afternoon."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you!" she said, hugging him.

Grace was very happy that her father had let her try out for the Quidditch team. She went back to her dormitory and decided to write a letter to Nymphadora.

Dear Dora,

Today is my first day of second year! I can't believe last year was my first year at Hogwarts! I asked Dad to join the Slytherin quidditch team, the try-outs are this Sunday, I want to be a chaser! I wanted to send you a letter. Today when my friends and I were getting ready for breakfast, one of them asked me if I didn't have a bra. I don't have one, but I don't want to ask Dad to buy it for me, that would be too embarrassing! I had the idea of asking you. If you can't let me know, I know you're busy training to be an Auror, but if you can't I'll ask Andromeda.

With love, Grace.

Grace finished writing her letter and then quickly went to the Owlery to look for Lyra and send her letter.

"Lyra, send this to Nymphadora Tonks." Grace said, handing her letter to her owl.

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