Summer break

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When Grace got home she knew she still had one more problem to solve: her father.

She went to her room to put away her belongings that were in her suitcase. She sat on her bed for a while, took a deep breath, and plucked up the courage to have a serious talk with Severus.

She went downstairs to where her father was sitting in his study reading a book. Grace walked in and sat down facing her father.

"I think that this time without talking to you was enough." Grace started.

"Were you grounding me, by any chance?" Severus asked his daughter.

"I was angry with you. I don't want to be treated like a five-year-old anymore. I can handle myself, I'm more independent, and I can protect myself." Grace said.

"You are still a child, Grace."

"Technically, at the age of 13 I am already considered a teenager." Grace argued.

" But you still live under my roof and-"

Grace interrupted him. "It doesn't matter. At Hogwarts, at least, I want you to give me more freedom. I can go out with whoever I want, whether it's a boy or not." she said. "I also want you to let me go to my friends' house when I am invited, or if I want, they can come here."

"I already let you go to your friends' house." Severus said.

"Only at the girls'! You didn't let me go when Ron invited me." Grace whined.

When she finished talking, she waited for her father's answer.

"Tell you what, I'll let you go to your boy friends' house, if at least one of your girl friends is there." Severus said. "And if you want to invite a boy over, the same thing applies."


Grace, after a few years, finally went to visit those she missed the most: Dora, Andromeda, and Edward Tonks.

Severus said that he had some errands to run over the weekend, and, not wanting to leave Grace home alone, he let the girl spend the weekend with her surrogate family.

" Grace! It is so good to have you back with us!" Andromeda spoke. "I want you to know that you will always be very welcome here."

"Thank you so much Andromeda! I've been missing you guys so much!" Grace said, hugging both Andromeda and Edward. "Where is Dora?"

"She is very busy with work, but should be here tonight. She doesn't know you are here, so it will be a nice surprise!" Andromeda said.

While Grace waited for the time to pass, crazy with anticipation to see her surrogate sister again, she told how she was doing at Hogwarts.

"Every year a different experience. Literally! I thought that facing a basilisk and an escapee from Azkaban would be too much, but this year..."

Just then the door to the house opens, and Grace immediately realizes it is Tonks. She was now 22 years old, an auror in the Ministry of Magic.

"Dora, darling, a surprise has arrived for you!" Andromeda called.

Grace got up from the couch and ran to hug Tonks. "Grace! I missed you so much!" Tonks said, hugging Grace back.

Soon the four of them were sitting in the living room talking about Hogwarts.

"And once I put Dungbombs in the backpack of a Slytherin student in my year, Merula Snyde. I got two weeks detention, but it was worth it." Nymphadora said.

"If you were studying at Hogwarts now, you would be friends with the Weasley twins for sure." Grace said, chuckling.

"Really? What did they do that was interesting?" Tonks asked curiously.

"They tried to sign up for the Triwizard Tournament. They almost made it... but Dumbledore was smarter."

"I need to meet these two, then." Tonks said.

"What else interesting has happened, Grace?" Andromeda asked.

"Well, this year there was the Yule Ball because of the tournament, and I went with a Slytherin friend of mine, Blaise Zabini. We are kind of together now." Grace said embarassingly.

"You got yourself a boyfriend! I can't believe it! You're certainly not your father's daughter..." Tonks spoke.

Everyone laughed.

"The worst part is that my father caught the two of us together..." Grace said, her face flushing.

The worst part is that my father Andromeda and Tonks made pitying faces.

"It must be hard to have a parent at Hogwarts, if one of mine was there I would have been expelled..." Tonks said.

Grace hadn't felt this good since the last time she stayed at the Tonks' house. To her, they were her real family. She could be herself with them. Andromeda was like a mother that Grace grew up without, Edward was more like an uncle, since the girl already had a father figure, and Tonks was like a sister that Grace always wanted to have.

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