First Quidditch match

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It was Saturday morning, and it was Slytherin's first Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. Grace was more nervous than ever, her first match. All the students went down to the Great Hall for breakfast. It was then that several owls flew into the hall holding a large package and landed on the Slytherin table in front of Grace.

"Grace, it's for you!" Astoria said excitedly.

"Girls, please help me open this." Grace said.

The five girls began to open the large package Grace had received.

"Oh my God!" Melia yelled.

"What?" Grace asked her.

"It's a Firebolt! You've won a Firebolt, the fastest broom in the world!" Melia replied.

When they heard the girls' shouts, more Slytherins approached.

"Now it's not just Potter who has one of those!" Draco said.

"Does it have a note?" Grace asked.

"Hmmm, here! Found it!" Ella said, handing the note to Grace.

Grace then opened the note that came with the broom:

You needed a broom, I wouldn't let you use a school broom. Make good use of it, and I hope you win today.


"It's from my father!" Grace said.

After breakfast, which was rushed due to nerves and anxiety, Grace went to the Quidditch pitch with the Slytherin team: the beaters, Peregrine Derrick and Lucian Bole, the keeper, Miles Bletchley, the seeker, Draco, and the chasers, Grace, Graham Montague and Marcus Flint, the captain.

As they entered the changing rooms, everyone put on their Slytherin quidditch uniforms. Flint began to explain the tactics against Ravenclaw.

"Draco, you already know, try to capture the golden snitch before Cho Chang, Derrick or Bole will try to hit the bludgers at her. Their beaters are Jason Samuels and Duncan Inglebee, Jason will probably try to hit the bludgers at me while Inglebee at Montague and Grace, keep an eye out for bludgers at all times. Their three chasers are Roger Davies, Jeremy Stretton and Randolph Burrow, Grace, you'll mark Burrow, Montague gets Stretton and I get Davies."

Grace didn't realise that the match was about to start, and everyone was already in the stands waiting. Then the entire Slytherin team came out of the changing rooms and onto the pitch, and the entire Ravenclaw team took to the field on the other side. All the Gryffindor students were cheering for Ravenclaw, while most of the Hufflepuff students were cheering for Slytherin.

"Mount your brooms!" Madam Hooch spoke.

And the game started. Lee Jordan started commenting the game.

"And the game begins! The quaffle starts with Davies, he tries to get close to the Slytherin's goal posts and he throws the quaffle! Bletchley defends it and passes the quaffle to Flint, he fires, then he throws the quaffle to Montague and... Burrow has the quaffle now! He flies to the other side of the fiels and... I can't believe it! Burrow loses the quaffle! Snape has now the quaffle, she fires through the field heading to Ravenclaw's goal posts and... She scored! Ten points to Slytherin."

All Slytherins screamed Grace's name. Snape had a smile on his face. Lee continued commenting the game.

"The quaffle is with Stretton now. He's flying through the field and throws it! Bletchley blocked it again. Montague now has the quaffle, he goes to the middle of the field and throws it to Snape, she continues flying through the field and... Oh my God! Snape is almost hit by a Bludger thrown by Inglebee! She doesn't give up and throws the quaffle to Flint and he scores another goal! Twenty points to Slytherin, none to Ravenclaw!"

"The quaffle is now with Davies, he gets close to the goal posts and... OH! Davies is hit by a bludger. The game continues... The quaffle is with Flint. Flint throws it to Snape, who fires to score another goal... WAIT! Malfoy captures the Snitch! Slytherin wins the match!"

All Slytherins were cheering and screaming. All players landed and got down from their brooms. People kept screaming.

"Grace! Grace! Grace! Grace!"

"Everyone did well! Grace, well played." Flint spoke.

Grace's friends went to where she was and hugged her.

"Grace, you played so well!" Astoria was the first to speak.

"Scoring almost two goals in your first game! You were awesome!" Megan said.

In the evening, everyone returned to the Great Hall for dinner. Dumbledore stood up and began to speak before the feast was served.

"As everyone knows, about the Quidditch matches of this year, Hufflepuff won Gryffindor, today Slytherin won Ravenclaw, next match will be Gryffindor against Slytherin. I want to congratulate everyone that played today, mainly the new players from each team, from Ravenclaw, Cho Chang, Grant Page and Randolph Burrow, and the new Slytherin players, Graham Montague, Peregrine Derrick, Lucian Bole, and Grace Snape."

The Slytherin table cheered again.

Later that evening, after dinner was over, Grace went to her father's office. She knocked and walked in.

"Hey, dad!" she said, she had a smile on her face, she was extremely happy because of the game.

"Hello, dear. I'm so happy and proud of you for winning your first Quidditch match. I really don't know where did you get this talent from..."

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