Chapter 1

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Ragnar Pov

I step into my dad's office mad as hell. He and my stepmom have hauled ass again and left his damn job on me. This is the reason why I'm in Norway combing his office for shit. I see an envelope on his desk that says past due notice. What the hell he has that's past due. He's never been late for anything in his life.

I call his phone to see what the hell is going on. He finally picks up on the fourth ring.
"Ragnar, why in the hell you keep calling this phone."
"Dad, you hauled ass without a moment's notice and told Thayer and me to handle it. I'm in your office and shit is everywhere. Speaking of, you have a past due notice here from the school of orphans. You barely tolerate us and now you've adopted a kid."

"Oh that. Damn, I had forgotten about that," my dad says.
"Forgotten about what dad."
"A long time ago when you were a boy, I lost one hell of a bet. I had a damn diamond flush. There's no way I should have lost, but that cock sucker had a spade flush."
I say, "Dad, focus, what the hell is this letter for."
My dad says, " well to make a long story short you need to go pick up your wife. That's whose tuition I've been paying, but that shit is up now, she's too old to be there anyway. I think she's 24 or some shit."
I'm quiet for a long time. Unlike Thayer I'm not a hot head. Emotionless tends to be my first reaction. I hardly felt anything until Thayer, Blae and my nieces and nephews came alone. I feel so much love and protectiveness for them. So I only say, " no," and hang up the phone.

My dad is a lot like Thayer. A hot head that will react quickly. So since he lost a poker game he set me up with the guy's daughter and has been paying her damn bills. I ain't paying shit.

My phone rings in my hand. I picked it up, "you heard me old man."
"Ragnar, this is your mother."
I curse, so he's gonna sic my mom on me. " Hi mom?"
"You know you have to go get her before they put her out on the streets. No matter how it came about, we honor our word in this family."
"But mom, your husband did this. Without telling me. Now he expects me to go along with it."
"Ragnar, you're 37 years old, don't you want to settle down and have a family before your swimmers stop swimming."

"Mom, my swimmers are fine."

What I didn't tell my mother is that since I'm apathetic and don't care about most things I didn't want to subject a woman to that. She'll end up leaving anyway, so why bother. From my experience with women they always want you to feel something or say something and I just don't have time for that.
She cut me off. "What did I say?"
"Fine, but what am I supposed to do with her?"
She said, "take her back with you. The orphanage will give you papers to sign to officiate your wedding contract."
"You knew about this." I asked.
She got quiet.
"You both are some sucky ass parents." I said this then hung up.

To be honest my dad's actions don't surprise me, but I can't believe my mom kept this from me.
I opened the letter and saw that there's a number on the paper and I called it. When the lady picks up I explain to her about who I am and tell her to make sure the girl is ready for pick up and make sure she has a passport because I'm leaving this country. To hell with my dad and his work.

Since this isn't a real marriage I don't have to be emotional. I can just screw her and have kids and be done with it. We have a contract so she can't leave if I neglect her.

I don't like Norwegian women though. They're tall, hard and rough. They play more sports than the men. I don't want a hard ass woman in my bed, but it will keep me from going out looking when I get horny.
With that in mine I spend the next couple of days drinking and fucking and forgot about the girl until a final notice letter came in the mail a couple days later.

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