Chapter 51

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Rory Pov

I smiled as Nero ran past me and jumped into the pool. Thayer and Blae's children are just adorable. Thayer doesn't allow them to be too naive. He teaches them about danger and how to read people. Nero, Amil and Thayer Jr and one of Neveah's kids listened harder than the rest, especially Nero. He's the oldest and takes his job as big brother seriously. When Rj stumbled behind him, I grabbed him and sat him on my lap. "Where are you going?"

He gave me a gummy smile and tried to wiggle from my arms. I put my lips under his neck and made fart noises. He giggled. But still tried to wiggle from my hold. I sighed.

"Mommy doesn't want to get her hair wet today, sweetheart."

He gave me another grin. I rolled my eyes. "I know what we can do. Ragnar, come get your son. He insists on jumping in this pool whether we want him to or not."

Ragnar comes and grabs our 11-month-old son. "Hi son. You want to swim with your cousins."

He giggles and wiggles in Ragnar hold. "I gotcha son." What he did next made my heart leap from my chest. "Thayer catch," he said then threw our son to Thayer who was in the pool teaching everyone to swim. Thayer paused mid sentences and caught Rj like it was nothing. I leaped up out of my seat fast as lightning and jumped in the pool. Thayer raised a brow. "You didn't think I wasn't going to catch my one and only nephew now did you."

"No, of course not. It was just instinct." Thayer loves testing my trust over and over. I told them I trust them, but I can't help how I reacted to my son being thrown in the fucking air towards the water.

I looked back at Ragnar. I marched out of the pool and shoved him. "If you ever toss my son like that again I will kill you. Do you hear me? Fuck trust, I'll send you to hell where you belong, you fucker."

I was so angry at him. But all he did was smirked and continued to flip meat on the grill. "Damn, I love it when you're mad."

"Ragnar!" I screamed at him.

"Ok, you're right. I won't do it again."

"Thank you."

Everyone's mood soured when Parlon showed up with his twins Alena and Rena. He wanted to name the twins Amy and Elaine after his dead family members, but we all managed to convince him otherwise. Parlon is unrecognizable now. Nothing like the man I met in the beginning. He's bigger, like he spends all his time at his home gym. On the plus side he's a wonderful father. On the negative side, he's still holding Dairy captive. We don't know what kind of shapes she's in after giving birth. Parlon did call our family's doctor to deliver the babies. Parlon won't entertain any questions about Dairy, his baby's mama. We are all scared for her.

"Hi, my babies, how are my babies today." Blae walked up to the kids and picks both of them up and started kissing and hugging all over them. "Parlon, did you get them any swimming diapers? They can't swim in their pampers."

"I forgot."

"I think I have some in the house left over."  She walked off with the 10-month-old twins.

"Parlon, have you let the girl go yet? How many kids do you plan on having? Her body can't take this much abuse," asked Neveah.

"But we make such cute babies."

We shifted uncomfortably at the (I don't give a fuck) in his voice. The last time we saw Dairy she was heavily pregnant and trying to escape. Then Parlon had Ian make an ankle bracelet that would blow up if she stepped foot off this property. Ian didn't want to do it, but Parlon is angry and unreasonable.

Blae came back out with the twins. They are beautiful. They have honey colored skin with long curly hair and grayish-blueish eyes.

As Blae was laughing and splashing water on the twins we heard a scream. We all looked over. It was Dairy. She was running towards us and crying. We couldn't hear what she was saying until she was closer.

"Please, let me see them. I just want to see them, just for a little while. That's all. I'll do anything." We all blinked. She looks different. Her curly hair is longer. She has it in a high ponytail on her head and she's thick. Nothing like the scrawny 19-year-old we first saw. At least we know she's not been starved. She has on a pair of skinny jeans and a pink tank. She has multiple bruises on her face and arms. We looked down and saw the device that he placed on her ankle.

Before we could protest, Parlon was up meeting her. He slapped her down to the ground. "How the fuck did you get out here," he yelled. But she stood back up with determination. Running towards Blae. Parlon yanked her by the hair. She fell to her knees. She made her hand into a prayer sign. "Please Parlon, let me see them. I haven't seen them in months. I want to see my babies! I'll do anything."

"You already do everything I make you bitch." He punched her back on the ground.

Blae and I are done being nice about this situation.

Blae has one twin and I have the other.

"Parlon, that's enough."

Blae walked over to her. She helped her up. Dairy wiped tears and blood from her nose and face and put a smile on her face so as not to alarm the twins. We walked over to the patio furniture and sat her down. We placed both twins in her lap.

"Wow, look at you two." Her eyes roam all over them. Their faces, their bodies. Like she's remembering them. Touching them all over and hugging them.

She blinked back tears.

Parlon stepped over and pulled them from her arms. He handed them over to us. He pulled her from the seat by her hair. He walked her back to his house. Even from a distance we heard her screaming. We heard the loud crack of the whip.

I can't help but to think about my sister Marica. I haven't personally seen my sister in almost two years. Ragnar and Parlon said they will handle it, but nothing has been done.

Blae and I glared at them both. "You both keep saying that you will take action, but when. He's getting worse and worse. And what about Casper? There's no telling what he's doing to Marcia."

"Ok, we'll handle it. Thayer will handle Parlon and I'll go to Casper. Blae, will you watch Rj while Rory and I go see Casper and Marcia."


"Thayer gear up, we're in for a battle."

"On it."

They both kissed us on the lips and went to get ready for battle.

"It's time everyone comes back and joins the family. Especially Casper."

Blae looked over to me with sad eyes. "How will they convince them? Neither Thayer nor Ragnar listened to anyone when they were falling in love. Why can't these men love the regular way?"

I remained quiet, then said. "I don't know Blae. It will be another interesting chapter in the Haugen's book of wonder."

We both winced.


The end for now. You will see them all again. Are y'all ready for Parlon and Dairy story. Neveah & Calder. Casper & Marcia. The next book will be so heart breaking because not only will they have outside enemies they will make enemies amongst each other. 😩😩. Over a woman.

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