Chapter 38

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Rory Pov

I woke up in a bad mood. Ragnar is still angry at me for not having sex with him. In hindsight it wasn't a good idea because my sex throbs for him. I tried to play with myself last night but a growl from him stopped me. I'm so happy he didn't force me because one kiss or lick from him would have had my legs opening like the sliding door at the grocery store.

I'm so horny and vulnerable. I just want to break down and tell him how I feel. Tell him how he makes me feel. I can tell Ragnar was really pissed at me because of those pranks. I'm really grateful to be alive. Because he really could have killed me. He beat me and even raped me. I know I pissed him off the most with that stupid chasity belt. But he does none of that now. He don't rape me or beat me. He chokes me sometimes but to be honest I like it.

It makes me wet. Even if I'm angry and he starts choking me I become instantly wet.

This no sex stuff is hard. Ragnar has been like a raging bull. Bad as that is I know he's like that because he hasn't had sex; and that lets me know that he hasn't cheated on me. He's just as honry as I am. For some reason I believed Ragnar when he said that he wouldn't cheat on me but I still can't help but to be scared. My father cheated on my mom and looked at where it got my sister. Alone like me, with no one.

I'm putting on my shoes when I hear a loud ruckus. I walked down to see what's going on. As I get closer I see Ragnar, Thayer and two men hauling a tall blonde man in the house. He looks like he's from Norway. "You bastards don't know who you're messing with. My father will find me then he will end your miserable existence."

Ragnar hauls off and punches him in the face. "Shut the fuck up. When your dad gets here he's going to get the same treatment as you."

He remained silent after that but Thayer hauled off and punched him anyway. He kept punching him until the other two guys pulled him off of him. "We need him alive, boss, remember."

Thayer jerks away from him. "Get the fuck off me Seth. I'm still mad at you and James for not letting me know you've been stalking me for years."

The guy stepped away from him and nodded.

Ragnar said. "You won't give them any credit for warning you about the bombs and the helicopter."

He clenched his jaw. " That's why they're not dead, Ragnar."

They rushed the bloody man downstairs. When Ragnar came back up and saw me. His demeanor changed to anger. "Why don't I smell any food, wife."

I just remained silent. I walked to the kitchen to start on the food. After breakfast I will go to the supermarket.

I jumped when I felt his heat behind me. "Why the fuck you're ignoring me."

"I didn't, Ragnar. You're angry and lashing out. I don't want to argue with you. I'm frustrated too but you don't see me trying to curse you out and acting ugly towards people."

"I'm being ugly towards you wife?"

"You know you are Ragnar. You're not being pleasant. I understand why. You're still angry. I can't tell you when to get over your anger at me for running away. I know you think I'm spoiled and stupid. I can only hope that I change your mind one day."

"I don't think you're stupid. I just think you do a lot of stupid shit."

I nodded and walked off to go get the eggs from the fridge. But he grabbed my arm and snatched me back to him. He grabbed my lips into a heart stopping kiss. My sex started to instantly throb. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hump on him. I can't help it. I'm a woman deprived. This no sex thing was a stupid ass idea.

He groaned and grabbed my ass and squeezed it. He lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him. I feel the wall at my back. Ragnar pushed me down on his hard dick. It's so hard through his pants that it feels like it will break out of them.

"Can you two get a room please." We break the kiss. He put me down. He looked over at Thayer and growled. Thayer smiled. "You sure have been frustrated lately. Is Rory holding out on you?"

Ragnar growled then walked out. I wanted to pull him back and take him upstairs. But I decided against it. I will hold fast with this. He will learn to respect me. But I'm coming to learn that if I want respect I need to respect myself first.

That means standing up for myself. Not settling for crap or something that I know that isn't good for me. I know I'm stuck with Ragnar, he won't let me leave but I know it could be worse.

If I married Victor I would be dead or worse; handed around to his family. Victor was pure evil. I don't know how he fooled me for so long. But I was blinded. I have strong feelings for Ragnar but I won't ever be blinded again. If something is going on that I don't like, I will address it.

Thayer looks at me. "How are you this morning Rory?" I blinked. Did he just talk to me? "I'm doing well Thayer, thanks for asking."

When he walked out I smiled. Thayer is one of the big kahunas around here. Once he starts back talking to me then everyone else will I'm sure. Blae also has a huge sway over everyone. She has started back talking to me. I swear I wish I could go back in time and tell Victor to go to hell. I hurt my family. Blae was really starting to like me and I blew it.

I shook it off. That's spilt milk and I won't keep mulling over it. I cooked enough food for everyone. I sat everything on the dining table. Everyone started filing in. When Ragnar came I was prepared to sit on the cushion but he stopped me. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. I looked into his face but he was grabbing food and putting it on his plate. I smiled a little.

When he had enough food on his plate he started eating. As he eats I stare down into his beautiful face. Ragnar looks out of place in this time period. He's big, wide and tall. He looks like a Viking lord. I wonder if I get a Viking costume for him, would he wear it. His strong jaw moves as he eats. His gray eyes are so beautiful. I didn't realize he was offering me food until his gray eyes met mine.

I snapped out of the haze and opened my mouth. He fed me until I was full. I laid my head on his chest because I was starting to get sleepy. I haven't been sleeping well lately. Thoughts of Ragnar cheating on me because of me holding out on him has been disturbing my sleep. I also have dreams of us being happy. In my dream Ragnar is smiling so much. I don't know if it's a premonition or what but I'll work hard to get us there. I just have to help him get over his anger at me.

For the first time ever I realize I'm happy and I have a family. I have a husband who is thoughtful, even if he is mad at me. He's a work in progress but like I said, it could have been worse.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts because my body has started to burn and throb. I see why. Ragnar has his hand on my thigh. He's creating a burning path up my leg towards my sex. I clench my thigh around his hand. I hold back a moan.

"Ok, that's it, I'm out of here. Nero, Yuki, Amil, Logan and Thayer Jr. come with me. Your uncle is about to knock the table over with his wood."

Blae says, "Thayer! Watch your filthy mouth!"

"Blae, why you ain't saying nothing to them. They're the ones humping each other at the table."

After he said that, I hopped off Ragnar. I mumbled an apology then walked past them and up to my room. I grab my purse and head back downstairs. I go out the back way through the garage. I grabbed some keys off the key racked; hopped in a car and left for the grocery store.

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