Chapter 23

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Rory Pov

I giggled as we left the tiki bar. Victor got everyone rowdy and started buying shots for everyone. The music blared to life and Victor roughly pulled me to him and danced with me. I don't know how far we're out. But everytime Victor sees a spot like this on the water he just has to stop.

I giggled again as Victor tongued my ear. "Victor, stop. Someone might see."  Victor and I only been back with each other for hours but it felt like a lifetime. Like I never left him. I'm a little tipsy so I'm very ticklish. I love his tongue in my ear. My loins finally started throbbing. I rub myself against him as we make our way to the boat.

"Baby, they have huts here. We can get one on the water and I can finally make love to you."

"Victor, I don't think we should stop. You saw what Ragnar did to me. He's a mad man."
"I know he is, baby, but I want to thank you for your sacrifice." He goes down on his knees and bite my pussy through my clothes. I moaned.

Every fiber of my being is telling me to be as far away as possible. But thanks to the alcohol my brain has left the building.

"Ok Victor, but only if you make sweet passionate love to me." He stood up and kissed me. I grabbed his face and kissed back. My pussy started throbbing and aching. I moaned. He broke the kiss and smiled at me. "I'll go get us a hut on the ocean baby. It has a glass floor and everything. I'm going to make love to you right on top of the sharks, baby."    

"Oh Victor, I can't wait. Hurry."  He leaves and goes to get the room. I have a feeling of being watched. I turn around in every direction on the pier. I just saw a lot of party goers, drunk and stumbling around.

I felt arms wrapped around me. I jumped then just as quickly settled down. Ragnar would never wrap his arms around me in a loving gesture. He's too fucking cold.

"Are you ok bae."

I smiled then nodded.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand. We walked down several aisles. Each aisle had several huts. The last hut on the last aisle is our hut. It's big. When I walk inside I gasp. "Oh Victor. It's beautiful."  The floor is glass and glowing. It illuminates the fish beautifully. The bed is nice and decorated. Over the bed is a canopy of huge leaves and vines hanging all around it and dropping down. On the counter are two frozen pina colada drinks with a little complementary sticker on it. As much as these huts cost we should have gotten more than that. Victor picked up both glasses. He handed me one. "A toast to being happy for the rest of our lives."

I smiled and toast. "Here, here," I raised my glass. We took big gulps before sitting them back down. Victor started kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around him. He slammed me against the wall as he stuck his tongue in my mouth. I feel myself becoming moist. He leaves my mouth and kisses my neck. He walked me over to the bed and laid me on it. I pulled his shirt over his head. He does the same with me. As soon as my shirt was off he pulled down my bra and sucked my nipple in his mouth. I moaned. I grope for the button on his pants. When I found it, I unfasten it and slid his pants off. Without breaking the kiss he slid my shorts and panties down and started fingering my clit. My hips raised off the bed. I closed my eyes and became lost in the sensations. I run my fingers through his long hair. What!, wait a minute, Victor doesn't have long hair. I'm too far gone to think too hard about it. I think about Victor's hot, juicy, wet lips. Wait, what!!.

"Oh Ragnar! Oh Ragnar!" His fingers are still on my clit. I screamed his name over and over as I cum. "Oh Ragnaaarrrr."  

"The fuck!" I hear this and peek one of my eyes open. I cursed. My god. I was on a cloud. I was on Ragnar's cloud. I was feeling so much passion because I was thinking about Ragnar. No damn it.

"Victor, it's not what you think. I'm drunk and my mind just went in a different direction." 

"You're in here thinking about this motherfucker while I kiss you. Is that not what I think?"

I didn't want to tell him that I was sobering up and didn't feel turned on at all. I had to think about Ragnar to spark my passion. But Why is that? I hate Ragnar. I love Victor. Why is this so complicated?  

"You know what. Fuck this shit. Fuck you." He started getting dressed. I got dressed also. He was leaving the hut. I followed behind him. "Victor please. Give me another chance."

His face turned mean. Into a vicious visage.

"I'm done giving your black,  snooty, uppity ass chances. I was the youngest in the group, around your age so my family came up with a plan to rob the Haugen's. So I had to befriend you. We knew you had some kind of connection to Gunner's family. We just didn't know what kind of connection. I had to degrade myself over and over again for your ass and for what. So you can only pull a measly 4 mil out the bank. Bitch you were supposed to take billions from that motherfucker."

I jerked back. Not believing my eyes. "Victor, what are you saying?"

"Victor, what are you saying?" He mocked me. "I was supposed to have dumped your body out to sea the first chance I got. But I wanted to fuck you first. I mean, I think I deserve something after two years. Don't you think so?"

"No, this can't be happening." My face tingled like I was about to have a stroke. I felt around for the bed. I sat on it.  "Victor, this isn't true. Tell me this is a joke." My whole body was about to go numb. My mind raced from memories of my actions. And it was all for nothing.

He turned to walk away. I ran and jumped on his back and hit him over and over on the head. "You son of a bitch! I gave up my life for you."

He threw me off of him. He slapped me and kicked me in the stomach. " What fucking life!!. You're a fucking orphan." He walked to the door and opened it. "Come and get this bitch. She can't even give it up right."

Three more men walked into the room. I recognised one. He's Vitor's friend. All three men came in and attacked me. I tried to fight and struggle. I kicked my legs and arms but I was still overpowered. The three of them held me down while Victor put a pillow over my face.

I stopped struggling and decided to pray for a miracle. Even though I know they don't exist.      

Miracles do come true. Because when I heard his voice I couldn't help but to start crying. But now I'm crying for a different reason entirely.

"What do we have here," my husband growled. Everyone stilled.

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