Chapter 43

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Rory Pov

The next morning I bounced down the stairs. I'm so happy. Things are finally going good with Ragnar. I just hope it lasts. Because I'm tired of fighting and being scared. Ragnar forwarded me Vera's list. I have to meet her at the first place at 8 so I need to get a move on. I grabbed a sandwich and an orange and headed towards the door.

"Going somewhere."

I turn to see Neveah leaning against the wall.

"Hi Neveah, I'm going to meet Ragnar's secretary at the first building for my botany business." I smiled big. I'm so excited.

"I see you have become a docile puppet like Blae."

My smile dropped. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is y'all take beating after beating from these motherfuckers and you still forgive them."

"Neveah, you need to stop this and stop it now. What would you have us do? They won't let us go. Blae and I are choosing some form of happiness. Plus, Rangar hasn't been violent with me since I played those pranks on him."

"But he did torture you when you ran away with your lover."

"He was angry. I was wrong."

"But regular men divorce women when they do shit like that. They don't torture them or beat their asses. I'm sick of this shit."

"Then, why don't you leave, Neveah."

She glared at me. "Because I can't. He will kill me. But I have my ways of paying him back and having fun." She smiles a secret smile.

"Neveah, I don't know what you're up to but you need to stop it. Calder will kill you."

"Fuck Calder. I have my own mind. Before I met him I was happy, now I'm a shell of my former self."

"Did you tell him that you are unhappy?"

"Yes, plenty. And he does nothing. He just wants to control me, he doesn't care about my happiness."

"Well that doesn't sound like Thayer or Ragnar. Ragnar cares about my happiness. Thayer cares about Blae's happiness."

"Lucky you." She grabbed a bottle of wine and walked out.

I don't have time to go behind her. I need to get to these buildings.

As I made it to the first building my happiness deflated. I got out of the car and walked to the building. It's ghastly and just nasty looking.

Vera was there with a smile on her face. "What do you think?"

"I think not. I don't want a fixer upper. I won't have time for that."

Her smile dropped. I shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry."

Her smile was tight when she said, "very well, on to the next one then."

The next one was worse than the first one. It looked nice but it was right next to a pet store. I love animals. I love Blae's dog. Was even thinking about getting a dog, but I don't want to smell shit everytime I come into work. Plus, how will my customers come in and smell my aromatherapy if animal feces are in the air?


"But ma'am, I assure you. This is---."

"Pass," I growled. I was becoming frustrated with her. How could she think that I would like these places?

I looked over at the guard I brought with me. Even he has his lip up to his nose trying to block the smell.

"On to the next one then." She was a little less pleasant at this point but I didn't care.

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