Chapter 21

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Ragnar Pov

"Are we doing this?" I asked because neither one of us wanted to say it. We didn't want to go to the hospital until we got a sure answer about Ian's condition. We're pussies. We know this.

"She wants Ian. She was about to have a nervous breakdown. What we're supposed to do."

"Chain her ass up and make her stay at the house. Her ass cheeks are out. We're going to get put out of the hospital."

"That's why you need to go to the gift shop and get her a night gown or something."

I grunted and remained silent for the rest of the way. I don't know why but for some reason I'm feeling jittery. Maybe it's because of what happened to Ian. I'm not sure. In these situations I'm usually calmer than ever.

Chaos soothes me. But then again I've never had anyone close to me die or have life threatening injuries. But I still don't think that's it. I feel like something else is off. I pulled my phone out to call my wife but we arrived at the hospital so I put my phone back up.

I ran into the hospital to the gift shop and found Dawn a gown. When I arrived back at the truck Thayer was waking her up. He pulled the gown over her head. She smiled and got out. We both stared at her with trepidation. She's quiet. We're worried that this experience has broken her.
"You good?," Thayer asked her.

"Yes, I'm fine, but I have a request. When Ian gets better, let me tell him about what happened in that basement. He needs to heal. I don't want anything hindering that."

I say, "Dawn, I don't think- -."


I looked over at Thayer. I can't believe he's agreeing to this.

"I won't let anything stop Ian from healing. She can tell him later, when he's stronger."

I nodded and let it go. Ian is a part of Thayer's crew so I have no say, but I still think he's making a big mistake.

We followed the instructions that Calder sent to us. When we made it to the floor there was chaos. Blae was sitting outside the room crying. Nurses and doctors were running to and fro. The Machines were going off.

We ran up to Blae. "He coded Thayer. They told us to leave the room. His heart stopped beating." Tears came to Thayer's eyes as he held Blae. Everyone is looking sad and heartbroken.

"Noo!" Dawn cried and ran around everyone and into the room. She went to Ian and grabbed his hand and screamed at him. "Ian please. You said you'll always be here, remember."

The doctors and nurses tried to pull her away but she wouldn't let his hand go.

The doctors turned to us with a look. But fuck them. We ain't grabbing her; if these are her last moments with Ian then I say let her have them.

We were about to tell them that outright instead of saying it with our eyes. But Ian's machines started back beeping. "Ian!" Dawn screamed.

We looked on in shock as Ian grabbed her hand tight.

Blae goes to the door. "Ian! Dawn, talk to him some more please!."

Dawn says, " Ian, please come back to me. You promised that you'll always be here. We're gonna die old Ian, do you hear me. We're going to die old Ian. I want you to marry me Ian and I want to have your babies. Ian PLEASE!"

We all look on in shock as the machines become steady and the doctor takes out Ian's breathing tube.
"He's breathing on his own now. This will only choke him when he wakes."

Dawn sag with relief. "Thank you doctor." Afterward Dawn collapsed. Thayer ran to her and caught her before she caused injury to herself. The doctors got to work on Dawn. We heard Thayer tell them that she was in a traumatic experience.

She's dehydrated, her blood pressure is up and so is her stress level. She needed lots of rest before she has a stroke.

We all went back out to the waiting room. Everything seems calm for now.

We're all quiet. In our own thoughts until we heard, "Mr. Burkes."

"You know damn well my name is Haugen now." Thayer changed his name back to our family's name when he found out his mom gave him the name of his maternal grandfather so that we couldn't track him when she ran off.

"Well Mr. Haugen. We need to talk to Mr. Ferrier and Mrs. McKnight. We need official statements."

"Sorry detective. They are being seen by the doctors. They are both incapactiated so how about you come back never."

One of the detectives walked up to Thayer. "You want to crack jokes, motherfucker."

"Does it look like I'm joking motherfucker." Thayer stood up. I also stood up. I put my hands on Thayer's chest. I look at Calder. He stands by Thayer to make sure he holds him if he gets out of hand. These fuckers want Thayer to hit them.

I say, "detectives, like Thayer said, both are being seen by the medical professionals. In that time no one can question them. They are both heavily sedated. If you come back tomorrow evening Dawn should be awake to answer any of your questions." I smiled. "After all, we would love for you to catch whoever did this."

The detective glared. "One day Mr. Haugen. One day. Your father in law may be the chief but you will go down. It will be our biggest bust yet."

"Keep dreaming," Thayer growled.

After they left we sat back down. None of us had time to brief Dawn on how to answer police questions.

"We need to talk to Dawn."

I nodded. But I was interrupted by my phone. It was an alert. Four million dollars was just pulled from my account via a check draft.

"The fuck." I stood up.

"Ragnar, what is it?"

"An alert text. Four million dollars was just pulled from my account."

Blae says, " who would do that. Keep scrolling, it should have the details at the end."

I kept scrolling to the bottom of the text. "Bitch!."

"Who was it?"

I smiled an evil smile. "I'm going to kill that bitch. It was drafted by none other than Rory Haugen. My wife."

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