Chapter 14

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Rory Pov

"You were getting one for you and that motherfucker to fuck. Am I right? We took forever to get you so you finally decided to give it up."

How does he know all this shit? I feel like an open book with him. Fear clogs my throat. I am still so afraid of him. He's a big hulking fucking giant of a man. One minute he's emotionless, like really emotionless, not even a flicker of feelings in his eyes. Next he's being emotional as hell. I won't test him so I decided to tell the truth.

"Yes Ragnar. I decided to go all the way with him. But it seems the fates didn't want that to happen because you came an- -."  

"Fucked it all up." He cut me off with a growl. I jumped. "Ragnar, I didn't know you were coming. I had been waiting for years. So I decided to move on."

"Hmm." Was all he said and I took a deep breath.  He didn't attack me so that's good.

"Is there anything else you would like to tell me?" He asked me this in an all knowing way. The check started to burn in my back pocket. There's no way he saw me.

"What do you mean," I asked and tried to keep my breath really steady. I hoped he wouldn't find out where my secret deposit was going. But I can't tell him about her. I promised I wouldn't.

"You want to keep beating around the bush." He said this without any emotions. He sounds bored. But his eyes are all knowing. I want to cry and buckle under his intense stare.

"There's nothing Ragnar. Is there something you want to tell me?"

I try a little reverse psychology. Why are my actions the only one that's on display here? 

He smirked, picking up on what I'm doing. I don't give a fuck. I have the check. Victor is close. We're about to leave. I just have to call him and see how close he is.

I snapped from my thoughts when he walked over to his desk and grabbed a pen and wrote something down.

"I'll be back."

"Don't you want to eat?"

He ignored me and kept walking. I followed him with a nervous gate. Where is he going? Did he find out about her? 


He stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"Do I have something to prove here?" I know I shouldn't give two fucks about what he's thinking but I do. Plus I want to know what he's thinking since he's keeping his face blank. I want to know if he knows about Marcia. I promised I would always protect her. I won't give her up, no matter if he beats me.

"Regular people in a marriage talk when they're upset with one another."

"I only talk when I have something to say."

I remain silent. He's not giving me anything. He walked up the steps and out the basement. "I suggest you not be down there when the doors close. It only responds to my fingerprints."

I ran up the stairs and out the basement. I was going to ask what was on the paper but my phone ding.

It was Blae. She wanted to know if we were still having a day of beauty. I took a deep breath to clear my thoughts. I texted her yes. I walked back upstairs to my room and changed clothes. Ragnar was in his room getting dressed. I cursed myself for paying her bills with my credit card. But it was anonymous so I should be okay.  He won't be able to find anything. She herself doesn't know it's me that's helping her.

With that thought. I finished dressing and walked from the room and down the stairs. I grabbed some keys from the wall and walked towards the door. When I opened the door, it slammed closed. I Jumped. Ragnar was there with his body heat on my back. I hold my head down. Waiting to see what he would do.

"Can I ask where my lovely wife is going." His breath fanned the back of my neck. My breathing became labored. His voice is raspy from non use. I feel his heat at my back.

I clear my throat and brush off those feelings. I could care less about his voice and anything else that's associated with him. Like his wide chest. His long muscled torso. It all can go to hell.

"It was Blae. She asked me out to a spa day."

"Mmm." He rubbed his dick on my back as he stepped closer to me. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. I sucked in a breath. He leaned down and kissed me breathless. My vagina started to become moist and achy. Without breaking the kiss he found my clit through my dress and pressed down on it then moved his finger back and forth over it. I feel spelled bound like in the fairytales. I can't move until he lets me go from his spell. I feel crazed. I just wanted to rub myself all over him but I refrained. Suddenly he breaks the kiss and steps away. I fall back onto the door. My chest falls up and down rapidly. My folds are moist with my juices. I stare at him. I want to ask him to fuck me so bad. To take me against the door like he did against the fridge.

After seconds of waiting he smirked and left the house. I closed my eyes and repeatedly hit my head against the door. "Stupid, stupid." Why am I letting him affect me like this? I don't want him. He has a cruel streak. I still don't know what he does for a living. At this point my money is on an assassin.  

Speaking of killing. I texted Victor to let him know that I have the bank information we need. I'm so ready for this to be over.

I leave the house and make the short drive to Blae's. When we get there we get into a Suburban with her guard detail. I wonder if I have those. Does Ragnar have people spying on me for that matter. I started to sweat and hyperventilate. Is Ragnar on to me. Sweat breaks out on my forehead. My stomach filled with butterflies. A soft hand touches mine and I jump. Dawn smiles at me. Everyone is here. It's Elaine, who I just found out is Parlon's wife, but you would think that Blae is his wife from the way they argue and fuss over each other. Blae says that she's one Parlon's favorite girl so he tolerates her. Blae's cousin Neveah is also here and of course Dawn.

"Are you alright Rory." I wanted to break down and tell her everything. But it seems that she and Ian are having a good relationship. I won't come between  that. I definitely can't tell Blae. Ragnar is her brother. She'll probably kill me herself. What if the whole family are assassins. I started to breathe heavily again. I remove my sweaty palm from Dawn's hand. I'm going to fucking die.

"I'm fine Dawn." I keep my head down so they can't see my sweat or my worried face.

Her smile dropped. "Really I'm fine. It's just a problem with Ragnar."

She smiles again. "I totally understand. Ian basically kidnapped me and no one bat an eyelash. These men are very paranoid so be honest with them. If they feel like something is off, even a milli inch off. It's going to be hell. I live on the land with these people and eat with them most nights and I can tell you that they are ruthless. I still don't know what Ian does but I'm leaning towards organized crime of some sort. Trust me. You don't want to cross them."

She lowered her voice. " I hear things. Screams from somewhere on the property then Ian comes in hours later with specks of blood on him."

I shivered. I'm going to die. They're going to torture me.

I looked over at Blae. She's staring at me curiously. I tried to fix the emotions on my face. My stomach bubbles even more. What should I do? I can't turn back now. He will know I took the check soon. Should I tell him the truth and hope that he won't beat my ass then murder me.

Soon we arrived at the spa. Casper and Arkan get out and open the door for us. We all file out. We all buy the full package. I took out the credit card that Gunnar gave me years ago. I shakily hand it over. I'm still spending their money. My grievance against him keeps piling up.

A/N:::: What should she do. Should she do the smart thing and confess or should take that wife beater money and run off with her beloved Victor.

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