Chapter 34

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Ragnar Pov

I held my grenade launcher up and shot it towards the gunfire that's coming from the woods.
After the gunfire went silent we ran up to Vlad and Ivan to see they had been shot in multiple places. They are laid out on the ground. "Put them in the truck now," said Thayer. His security did what he said.

He held his gun up to his security faces. "You think it's ok to follow a man around and not let him know about it."

"We were under strict orders from your father to stay out of sight unless you needed us."

Thayer cursed. "I'll deal with you two later. What are your names?"

"I'm Seth and he's James. We're here to protect you."

Thayer rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Did you know about this?"
I shrugged. "If you would have known about them you would have made them leave. It's clear they are needed right now."

"So you kept it from me."

I shrugged again. We heard barking. We turned right and saw ash come up toward us. He barked some more then took off running towards Arkan and Parlon's house.

We got into the truck and followed but not before I ordered Ivan and Vlad to be brought to my house.

When we pulled up to Arkan's house we smelled burnt flesh. Ash has him by the shirt and dragging him from his house.
The whole front of his body is burnt and red. Like a blast hit him directly in the front.
Thayer goes down and shakes his shoulders. Arkan groaned. My cousin doesn't look good. His skin is in bad shape.
Emotions clog my throat. "Get him, take him to my house." A guard left with him.
We hear ash bark again, we get in the truck and drive towards Parlon's house.

Then we hear, "help me please! Somebody help me."

Thayer says, "Good god no." Thayer grabbed fists fulls of his hair. He dropped down to his knees. Emotions hit me in the chest so hard and fast. My heart won't stop pounding. It hasn't stopped since I made it to the gate. My family is falling apart.

Parlon is sitting in the middle of his lawn. He's holding the still bodies of his wife and daughter. He has a large red burn on his arm. It's discolored and bubbling but I doubt if he feels that right now.

"Help me Thayer, please."

"I got them, Parlon. You hear me cousin. They will be fine." A guard came and helped load them up in the truck. Parlon looks hollow. He's staring out at nothing.

I say, " Parlon, the doctor is at my house. Go there. Be strong for your family. They need you."

When they pulled off we looked on in despair. Parlon has lost his family. His daughter wasn't breathing and his wife was barely.

I looked over at Thayer. He has tears in his eyes as he stares at the truck leaving with them. "They're gone."

I catch my own tears. "I know. Let's hurry up and make it back. He will need us. Let's get your family and go."

We got into the truck and head to the underground bunker. This bunker is accessible from everywhere on the land.

After we grab Thayer's family we head back to my house. When we make it there it's chaotic. Guards going to and fro. When we make it to the front door we see Rory and Dawn are helping a lady and a man. They have stretchers laid out. We see Arkan, Vlad, and Ivan being treated.

Blae move to help. I'm left there with my nieces and nephew. I get on my knees in front of them. "Hey, you guys go up to your room."

"But Uncle Ragnar, we want to help," says Nero, Thayer's oldest son.
"I know buddy. Once everyone gets settled in I'll let you come down and help everyone while they are resting. I'll let you give them pills and help wrap bandages. The works."

"Uncle Ragnar, where's Amy?" asked Amil, Thayer's oldest daughter.
"She's here sweetheart. She has some injuries that need looking over."

Her eyes became misty. "Will she be ok uncle?"

"I don't know Amil. I just don't know sweetheart. But the doctors will do all they can to help everyone. Ok, now run along."

I walked up to the doctors. "Doctor, I have a fully loaded hospital in the basement. I suggest we move everyone there."

"That's what your wife was telling me. I was waiting until some help came so I could move them. One of your family members is down there with his family. It doesn't look good."

"I know. Just do all you can please. I will pay you handsomely."
She nods. "I'm Doctor Strong. He's Doctor Woodland. Call me Jo and he's Alex."

I nodded. We helped everyone move to the basement. The doctors bounce around from room to room. My basement is huge. Thayer always makes fun of me for having all this down here. Sadly, it looks like it came in handy today. I have maybe 12 rooms down here. Including a jail cell. Some are medical rooms, others are bedrooms.Then there's my office and man cave. I like my office upstairs but I used this one more.

Suddenly Thayer walks away. I followed him. I followed him out to the back porch. I stare straight ahead silently. Thayer does nothing as tears coat his face. The wind whipped our hair and tears. And we still just stand there.

"I'm going to kill them, Ragnar. I'm going to kill them all."

"You're fucking right we are." Those bastards are dead. I'm going to kill them, their family and their children while they watch.

Suddenly Thayer and my cell rings. It's Casper. They were hit too. They are more vulnerable because they are in Norway with no help. But our homes in Norway are built for attacks. They are impenetrable. That's exactly how I made my house. You won't get in our home in Norway unless you come through the front door, which is impossible because we have a draw bridge.

"Is everyone ok?"

"Yeah, what about there?"
"No, we are down. We're all at my house. Arkan is burnt badly and so is Parlon. Ivan and Vlad have multiple bullet wounds. Elaine." I stop and clear the lump from my throat.

"Elaine and Amy are hurt badly. It'd be a miracle if they make it through the night."

"Fuck!, fuck!, fuck!." Casper shouts over the phone again and again. Then he's quiet then I hear, "what do we do?"
"Stand by. We're just trying to get everyone stable."

He hangs up. I turned to Thayer. "What did uncle Talbert say?"

"They attacked, but they're good.

"Casper is too."

"We need a plan." I walk back into the house and down into the basement. Rory is on a stretcher laid back while the doctor rubs cream on the knife carving that I did on her chest. Then she bandages it. When she's done Rory grabs some gauges and walks into one of the rooms.

Thayer walked up behind me. "What do you have in mind brother?"

"We make them come to us. We'll need Casper and the rest that's in Norway. It's time to use the ace up my sleeve. I never really trusted those bastards so I built my own folder against them."

"Really," Thayer says.

"You need something on everyone we deal with Thayer. Be one step ahead little brother."

"Now is not the time for one of your lectures, Ragnar. My fucking crew is hurt. I have no idea where Calder and Neveah are. He's not answering his phone."

"I'll send someone over to comb through the property to make sure they weren't in there."

I walked down the hall to my office. I dig through my file cabinets. "Here, look at what I got."

I handed it to Thayer. He read it and smiled. "Son of a bitch. It's time to turn the tides. Call Casper."

This is a two chapter update. Thanks for all your patience.

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